You know you're bored to death in retirement, when you go online and start a car wax thread! I went back to 1972!! And the old Turtle Wax still works great. Very reasonable price, about $6 at Walmart. It's a thicker liquid, but it wiped off very easily when dry. Nice shine. I don't need that fancy expensive stuff. Keep life simple. (And the wax is green, just like the bottle. )
I use the meguiars California gold wax. $9 on Amazon the last time I bought and it does a great job: Spray it on and wipe it off. Easy and simple .
Yep, I went through a lot of Meguiar's. Good stuff too. But I don't use the spray-on type... I apply it by hand. I need the exercise! I sure like that RED Prius!!
I use this for medium to dark paint (zymol carbon). As long as you prep the paint well, this causes water to bead forever.
The Blizzard "Pearl" sparkle.... (can't see it in the pic, but sure looks nice when the sun hits it at just the right angle.)
Same as my head! I can't believe how "slick" the car feels. I've used a lot more expensive auto waxes & polishes, but it's never been this slippery. Maybe the dirt will blow right off!!
My 2013 Energi is also a blizzard pearl and I'm ashamed to say (somewhat detail freak) that I've yet to wax it all these years and it also goes for longer stretches between washings because white hides dirt so well. I will try to always get this color from now on if at all possible. Photo is from a few minutes ago (just happen to wash and wipe dry it tonight).
I like the Ford C-Max Energi. Nice looking vehicle. I kind of go through extremes. Too many filter changes, too much washing & waxing, too many tire pressure adjustments, changing the oil sooner than necessary. I need to get a LIFE other than my Prius. Too much Priuschat..... Need to find some kind of good volunteer work. Very thankful to be retired, but I got too much time on my hands.
It actually kind of saddens me. When I was younger and in better shape, I use to really enjoy taking care of my vehicle. Now? Even with just a subcompact, I rarely have the time, or energy to properly wash/ wax my vehicle. I use to have strong opinions based on experience on the latest waxes and finish products. Now, I just use short cuts and tricks. There are some nice, good spray on quick waxes. They really are descent. But I still feel somewhat guilty that I'm pretty much reduced to using those type of products. I would say, using products like Meguiars Quik Wax, my vehicle is still ahead of the curve, in comparison to the rank and file vehicles around me at any given time. But now, to really get my vehicle washed and waxed properly, I'm looking at paying somebody else to do it.
Anybody who REALLY cares about their shine and finish uses Blue Coral. (Is the original 2 part system even still available ??) I spent about 2 months doing my '57 Chevy BelAir with it; my first car. And then wrecked it a month later. WAY too much work. I never touched the stuff again.
I swear by this stuff : Not the 'glossiest' I've ever used...but has proven to be the the most durable...and I have tried MANY products.
The spray car wash I use has Blue Coral pre-soak soap. And Rain-X spray wax if you want that. But I Wax by hand. It's nice that today's waxes are so easy to use. Very easy on & off. I'm still impressed with how slippery my car feels... just using that cheap Turtle Wax.
My Prius gets waxed when the wife gets around to it, it's her job. She won't let me touch a cars paint, she would rather OCD it.
I've gone to spray waxes, due to the ease. I get exhausted trying to remove paste wax, although I realize I'm probably using too much. Anyway, I use Optimum Car Wax. Longer lasting than Meg's UQW and has UV protection.
That sounds interesting, UV protection. Lots of good choices, we could spend the rest of our lives trying various car waxes. Our cars have a clear coat, so I wonder how much waxing/polishing they actually need? Do I Really Need to Wax My Car or Is It a Waste of Time? | Torque News
Yep, Nu Finish. 9 bucks at Walmart. (And there's a lot of Turtle Wax on that ratings list. ) Whatever we like, whatever we feel is easy to use, that's the key. Keep that Prius shiny. My car is parked in the sun 365 days a year, so I tend to wax it more often.