I was driving home from a visit to see friends on the South Shore last week, when poor ChuggyPig had a close encounter of the colliding kind with a red Honda as it (Honda) entered the highway and cut into the lane I was using. I stopped and called "911" and when the State Trooper looked at the video he was able to get the plate number, and so was able to trace the owner and find out why she didn't stop after hitting me. She admitted that she was at fault, and I'm now waiting to hear from her insurance company. From the front camera: (turn up volume at 14:49:50) From the rear camera:
I wonder if they even knew they hit you?? Was a pretty light hit.. But definitely there fault.. They gonna charge her with leaving the scene of accident? One small criticism.. you picked a bad time to change lanes I saw those cars merging on with the slow truck in front.. was a good bet the people behind would attempt a pass.. I bet she saw you in the far lane, and went for the lane change at the same time you did... Glad you have the dash cam. I run one also... They can save you for sure. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Unfortunate situation, but you also put yourself in a horrible position. The best way to stay out of an accident is awareness. Moving into the center lane as you did while those two vehicles were merging onto the highway, when it was obvious the car was going to go around the truck, was not the wisest of moves. She had probably already looked at oncoming traffic and saw you were in the left lane. You should have seen her lane change coming from a mile away. You also had plenty of room to move out of the way, back into your original lane, or brake a bit. I'm trying to think of a single time that I've seen 2 vehicles come up an entrance ramp like that and the second vehicle didn't try to go around the first slower vehicle. Not trying to be harsh, but that's just the way I see the video.
wow! i'm amazed at how many people insist on moving over as soon as they enter traffic, regardless of who is in the lane. i doubt most even look. some make a right angle immediately to the far left lane, disregarding traffic bearing down at 60+mph. glad nothing worse happened!
You make a valid point, but about a half a mile back, I'd spotted a couple of Staties parked on the verge, and since I was in the left lane cruising at about 70, I moved to the middle, and eased back to 60 (speed limit in that section). Hindsight is always 20/20 but I take your point. …and just for sh**s & grins here's a pic of the graze:
More than a light graze.. definitely should have felt they hit you. Leaving the scene is a serious charge... But I bet they get out of it by saying they didn't think they actually hit you. Nice wheels on the Prius.. those stock?? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The statie said she didn't realize she'd hit me, but there was damage to the front driver's side of the Honda, and you could hear the collision on the audio of the clip (above the Beethoven), and in MA leaving the scene is a criminal offense! They're the OEM 16" originals (sans plastic do-hickeys) - like so many other things they look much nicer when they're nekkid!
I thought I heard the impact when watching the forward video..I hear a thud. But when watching the rear view video, I hear that same thud, but the offending vehicle seems to be well behind you? So I'm not sure I'm hearing the impact. Glad nobody was hurt, any stumbles on a freeway can be dangerous. Also, I kind of agree with the other posters. Ultimately she hit you...so her fault, but watching that video, I would also say, I wouldn't of gotten over into the middle lane. If I see any congestion in the lane that is merging onto the highway, I try to leave the adjacent lane open. Interesting to an older guy. Cell Phones, Dash Cams...everything is so recorded today. Basically now, when I'm in public, I assume everything I'm doing is at least possibly being recorded. That grazing? 15 years ago, probably just happens, and without video evidence you are paying for the damage yourself. That doesn't appear to be much damage, BUT...probably enough to say that your dash cams, just paid for themselves. That appears to be a newer Honda Civic Hatch...I could be wrong. But as a current owner of a newer Honda Fit, I'd say I'm not a big fan of Honda's latest generation of side mirrors. They are IMO kind of small. I would say, I spend a lot of time trying to get my mirrors adjusted "just right". They are aerodynamically...narrow. On the Fit, Honda provides a nice "Lane Assist" camera but oddly only on the right side. I don't know why Honda hasn't made it both Right and Left. And to ramble on just a bit more... It is probably 50% me, and 50% just my age. I can make NO CASE against dash cams. People love em. They help in exactly this type of situation, and potentially others. But I just can't bring myself to buying one or installing one. I just come from a time when not everything was being recorded. Win, Lose, or Draw, the idea of my every driving move being recorded, for some inexplicable and rather indefensible reason kind of bothers me. Maybe it's the fear that I could make the mistake, and then be forced to watch my own video evidence of my own error? But I absolutely can not and probably should not even try to argue against Dash Cams. They can be instrumental in situations exactly like this one.
I wonder why dash cams are still so "aftermarket", why manufacturers don't more typically at least pre-wire for them, offer them as easy-install accessories.
I noticed that too, and came to the conclusion that that might be a fault in the design/sync of the camera video and sound. The time-stamp in the front is exactly as I remember it, but there seems to be a delay in the sound from the rear. …but without the video there would have been no way in hell that the plate/owner would be traceable, so perhaps a $500 camera might have been better, but the $70 amazon mirror-cam which I have saved me the $1200 estimate to repair poor ChuggyPig!
Yup! Her insurance company paid for the repairs, PLUS the cost of a rental for the week my car was in the shop!
I would love to find a replacement mirror with a camera at a reasonable price. The stupid auto dimmer on my Prius sucks.