After trying to describe how to access the 12v battery over the phone to a friend I realized how confusing it can be for the first time. My friend and I made this video. I always recommend jumping from the battery not under hood jump points for a few reasons - You should know how to get to your vehicle battery in any case for charging, replacement or inspection. - I have seen several cases of failed jump starting attempts blowing fuses or relays in the under hood fuse box due to cables connected backwards to under hood jump points. The damage is usually to a fuse or “ integration relay” but can be misdiagnosed and lead to inverter replacement. If the cables are connected backwards at the 12v battery it is more obvious and damages are more apparent, easily repaired. - If the vehicle owner jump starts and the battery goes dead again the next day they will bemore confident to diy replace the battery already knowing where it is located. Those who only know how to jump from the under hood location will probably end up paying $300 - $500 for a new battery and or tow.
Great video. But I disagree with trunk being a better place to jump. Under the hood jump points are perfectly fine and all the gymnastics of opening the hatch and needing a second person are not always practical. Just be careful how you connect the leads, it's not complicated. Red to the big '+' terminal and black to the body. Also you mention three ways and only show one.
I would prefer under the hood as well. If the car needs a jump because the battery is low or dead, you can't open the rear hatch without crawling to the back. What a pain in the a**.