Who's interested?

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by DaveinOlyWA, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    Hi all,

    as this is the official kick off of the WA State chapter of PriusChat.

    let me know if any of you want to get some sort of event together.
    if you are interested, then post your name, location, and how far you are willing to travel to meet.

    then with that we can decide on the easiest and most conveinent thing to do.

    some possible thoughts might include taking all the locations and finding something that comes closest to the middle that would be easy to find.

    or if we really get things going, we can rotate through locations as we probably will have a concentration of people in the South sound area and then the north sound area not to mention south to Vancouver or where ever else.

    another thing that might be good is that there is a million places to go see here. we are pretty blessed in the tourist attraction department and maybe picking places that we can gather outside and walk and talk maybe while the weather is still good. obviously later, restaurants and such would be the better deal..

    ok?? keep in mind that the only bad idea is one not ventured. this is our group and its up to us to make it a worth while place to be. so im game for just about anything at least once...well except for meeting at SIR or something... one of the many reasons i bought my Prius was to help bury some bad habits and lower my insurance rates!!

    for those of you that dont know, SIR is Spanaway international Raceway. they used to allow people to take their street cars out and race on the track. and i have decided to take advantage of a different kind of performance measure in my car.

    if you dont feel comfortable posting any specifics (i dont recommend it) feel free to PM me. PM's are fairly secure and i wouldnt worry about any info getting out there. also if you PM me, please let me know if you have any special needs as far as privacy of any info you have. im not worried too much about anyone here as i feel that many here would welcome a chance to talk with other owners in person where it is so much easier to compare notes. but one should always be careful in a public post such as this one.

    as for me, i am living in Olympia and i would be willing to go up to 100 miles (maybe more) at least occasionally to meet. i currently work weird days but im on an east coast schedule for the foreseeable future so im usually off work by 1-2 PM. I usually get one weekend day off but not always, but i work with a great group of people so its possible to get days off if i know about them far enough ahead of time. ( a week or two is good)
  2. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    on a Friday Saturday or a Sunday We would probably be willing to travel down to see the group on the left coast of the USA Post some times and lets see if it works. Sould be able to make it down.
  3. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    Since I still have to drive my mega-gas-guzzler (trade someone for a Prius? LOL), I am at the moment going to say Fall City, Issaquah, Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue area is fine with me (after I get a Prius, I won't care where we meet!). I get off work by 5pm Mon-Thurs, and I'm off at 8pm on the weekends (Fri-Sun). However, Sunday's are pretty flexible, so I can usually squeak out of work on those days. (Note: Aug 8th is a no-go)
  4. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Glad to see someone's gonna be setting something up. I was curious if there was anything going on in WA with Prius owners yet.

    For myself personally, escrow is set to close around August 27th, possession can happen as early as September 2nd. That means I'll be at my new condo in Everett (Eastern, near Lake Stevens) and settled enough to go out in the world :wink: by September 15th or so. I grew up in Kirkland from age 2-19 so I know the eastside like the back of my hand. Seattle metro, east of Redmond and into the foothills, north of Everett or south of Bellevue starts getting a bit sketchy.

    I would say with the exception of an occasional "Hey, let's all get crazy and venture out to Snoqualmie Falls/Ocean Shores/somewhere else that's touristy and not a typical weekly "locals" destination" that we try to find central locations so people are going maybe 20-40 miles TOPS. Keep in mind, the closer and more convenient you make it for people, the more likely it is that more will come, EVEN if they have other things to do that day. Follow? :tongue:

    Since the MAJORITY of WA's population falls around Lake Washington and the south sound (mostly Tacoma and Olympia) and as far north as Everett, I would say we should either go in the vicinity of Redmond (just make everyone go east and to a central (North/South-wise) location. Lots to do in Redmond from golf courses, to Marymoor Park, the Burke-Gillman (sp?)Trail, etc.

    Another idea would be to always at least have the PARKING take place in a huge touristy spot in Seattle. Near the Space Needle/EMP/Science Center, Pike's Place Market, the Stadiums, Pioneer Square, Kerry Park (Queen Anne Hill) or Alki Beach... Perhaps the Ballard Locks... Places where we'd have a great social setting that either has a touristy or environmental "theme" so we can just meet and do our thing, and should someone come up and say "Hey is that one of those...?" we can engage conversation with a prospective buyer (it's Capitalism boys and girls... EVERYONE is a prospective buyer...). Currently here in Orange County, I've seen people that go around with business cards they've had made up in order to bring awareness of this board and www.priusonline.com In addition, John-1701A's website has info sheets we could carry in our cars (and don't EVEN say you don't have a storage location to put them in. :wink: ) and hand out to anyone that's curious.

    The main thing here is to come up with things that a lot of people can get together and enjoy regardless of age, gender or very specific interests (if most WA owners in here happen to be 60+ for instance, Gameworks in Seattle may not be the wisest choice out there) Come up with a backdrop where we could enjoy ourselves, talk about mods to our cars, mpg experiences, good/bad dealers, etc.

    And remember, in the early days, recruitment may be a big factor. Come up with something we can pop under the windshield wiper of a Prius we see in a parking lot at the store/gym/university/worksite/whatever... "Hi fellow Prius owner! First off, great car! Second, if you're interested, have a spare 2-4 hours 1 weekend a month, contact ______ at (xxx)xxx-xxxx and find out when other Washington Prius owners are getting together to do everything from ask questions to just meet and talk about a great car! Hope to see you there! Sincerely, ___________

    See how easy that was?

    Okay, I think I may officially be rambling now, but I want to see this happen as much as it sounds like you do, and was fully prepared to start something up should I have made it to WA on schedule and there was no mention of a Washington group.

    Hope to see you all there in the not too distant future!
    (I'm going to post this thread into Priusonline.com so that WA owners that only use one board/know of one board can be made aware as well.

    Until then,
  5. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    welcome Brad!!
  6. Dilbert

    Dilbert Junior Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    2004 Prius
    Rally in Redmond?

    If there is a rally in Redmond on a weekend I would be glad to attend.
  7. rayburt456

    rayburt456 New Member

    Feb 18, 2004

    Rally on!
  8. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    well its beginning to look like the first meet spot will be near Redmond since most of you are from there so far...

    cmon Olympia!! i know you are out there!!
  9. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    Yay, right in my backyard! My mega-gas-guzzler won't cost me an arm and a leg for our first meet! LOL. Lots to do in Redmond, so I guess we should find out what most of us are interested in and then pick the best spot, because as bradca21 said: you don't want to pick Gameworks if most of us aren't into that sort of thing.
  10. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    well i was looking at maybe a place outside that has food. i think we have to take into consideration people that dont have their car yet. im sure they will want to get a closer look and ask questions and stuff. so if we were inside, it would have to be a place where the parking lot is close at hand.

    a restaurant maybe that has outdoor seating or even we could just picnic it or something.
  11. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Well, like I said, I won't actually be there until about the middle of September, but you all could set up something like a picnic at Marymoor Park. From what my friend in Lynnwood was saying, sounds like there's no problem re: clear skies right now... 100+ degrees a couple days ago?!? :Wth: Other decent spots around the eastside could be Juanita Beach or Marina Park in Kirkland (GORGEOUS spot of beach in downtown!) If not familiar... take the 520, exit for Lake Washington Blvd, go down until it dead ends, take a left and as you're going straight, head in the general direction of 11 o'clock. You'll see a big gazebo and there's lots of parking behind some shops. I *THINK* it was free parking whan I lived there a few years ago (not that that means very much) lol...

    There's also some patio dining at the Beach Cafe in Carillon Point. Take the same exit as for Marina Park (520... Lake Wash. Blvd) just don't go as far. You'll see some taller office buildings on the left and a circular drive. There is valet parking (so you can make use of those cards) or garage parking. There's also a fair amount of shopping in there for afterward. Call 425-889-9052 ext. 4. (It's one floor below the Yarrow Bay Grill which is what you'll see at the main driving level)

    If that's a little pricy (when I worked there avg price for lunch was about $11-13/person there is also a Cucina Cucina right there. Both spots have AWESOME lake views (you are RIGHT on the water) and great food. Might even be possible (if you valet park) to convince the guys to line all the Prii along the circular drive so they'll be on display... (Might get some people wondering about 'em)

    So, although it sounds like this initial meet MAY happen without me, I hope you all have a lot of fun!

    Anyone with Q's about stuff I mentioned, the 04 Prius or anything else, can reach me at [email protected]
    I'm also not opposed to providing my phone number (just won't post it on a main topic chat on a message board so if you're like me and prefer HUMAN contact (at least of the voice variety) when having an in depth discussion I'd be happy to provide that as well!

    Talk to you all again soon!
  12. nwprius

    nwprius Member

    Feb 26, 2004
    2011 Prius
    Would be interested in a get together. Live part time in Roy and the rest of the time in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, Canada. Also am going to drive to North Carolina in September, home to Roy in mid October. Looking forward to putting about 7000 miles on the Prius. Bought my car in Olympia in November 03. Looking forward to meeting more owners. Bob
  13. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I am to be a Prius owner as of August 13th!!! Can't wait. I would be happy to help if I can. My schedule can be problematic but when I am off I can help. I am getting my car out of town. I have had good reports on the Olympia dealer from the 3 owners that I know, do you think that there will be any problems when I take my name off the list and go in for service? From the way I have been treated I would guess not I got good vibes from the place.
  14. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i seriously doubt that there will be a problem. the fact is, there are many people waiting for a car like yours. they will have no problem whatsoever finding a buyer for it.
  15. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    Wherever we go, I just want shade! It's too hot out these days... Should we wait for bradca21? I feel bad about him not being here in time.... :(
  16. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Awww.... :D Now I feel all warm, fuzzy and awkward... That would be cool, but I'm not gonna say either way. I know how exciting it is to have one of these cars and meet other owners.

    I guess my official response would be:
    "SHOULD you all be able to contain yourselves until my arrival, I would love to be there with you.
    SHOULD the excitement take hold and you just can't wait, if we decide to have 1 per month I'll for sure be there for number 2."
    Thanks for thinkin' about lil' ol' me all the way out here in the land of silicone (not the valley) and power lifter governors.
  17. Starbug

    Starbug New Member

    Jul 3, 2004
    Redmond, WA
    2007 Prius
    Haha, I made you feel all warm, fuzzy and awkward! :mrgreen:

    The way I see it, Sept will still have nice weather, but it won't be quite so blistering hot. Probably be in the 70's somewhere. I wouldn't mind waiting for brad to get here before we all invade some unsuspecting park (the more the merrier!). What does everyone else want to do?
  18. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Yes 72, 20% humidity and 52 at night. A little misty rain from 3 to 5 am just to wet things down a bit. Weather has been a bit too weird for me this year.
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    ok...fine...*sigh*...all righty then!~!

    well first we need a meet spot soooo...we need plan submittals... i have another thread going for planning a meeting but we can do this one too...

    first of all to allay confusion (what ever that means) we should narrow possible meet sites down to two or three at the most.

    soooo starting now. i am taking submissions so you can post it here or PM me if you dont want anyone to know you suggested it (ill tell everyone in private)

    but i need

    1) the name of the place and location (please be aware if you submit it, you are responsible for providing detailed maps and such... yahoo maps is dandy but at least test their directions ok?)

    2) your idea of what we would be doing there. (dinner and desert; picnic and BS, or whatever.)

    3) why you think this would be a good place to meet.
    (place with its own parking lot for one, in case people wanna show off their Prius. Easy to find, best food in town, your brother owns the place and needs the business, etc...)

    4) if there is a cost involved what would the estimated price be (ie lunch, admission fees, parking etc)

    things to consider:

    1) obviously if its outside we would like to plan for at least 3 hours of good daylight. keep in mind that if its too hot on that day, early afternoon could be a bummer. as you all know, early evening here can be very very pleasant.

    2) if its a restaurant, keep in mind that some of us maybe on a budget so try to go for something reasonably priced.

    3) also try to stay away from speciality restaurants. look for restaurants with a decent variety... i love seafood but some people are allergic. but as for me, if i can sea it, ill eat it. (hehehe)

    ok now, i was going to go for something around seattle-bellevue since most of us live there, but lets say that the first 3 submissions that i get either here, the other post in the main forum or by PM we will vote on.

    then after that is done we can discuss possible dates. ok. now also, i would like to do this on a monthly basis simply because we have newbies coming in every day and some that are on the fence about purchasing a Prius (i know... you diehards cant imagine anyone who cant decide on such an obviously right thing!) but i could do this once a month. so if your submission isnt one of the first 3 in, thats ok because we will need suggestions for the next one, and so on. plus after the seattle meet. we will go for one farther south since we do have people coming from Portland and that would be fair.


    good!! glad we are all in agreement!!

    so start stuffing the suggestion box!!!
  20. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Somewhere between Lynnwood and Renton? that's about 2 1/2 -3 hour drive and I'm fine with that. Maybe longer with the "border issues" but I'm still fine with that. I might go as far as Spanaway;)