So, after buying center caps a few times and getting 17" rim caps due to deceptive techniques, I went to a (Home Depot) box store and got 1 1/2" electrical box punch outs, the 16 Prius four and now the 17 Prius prime rim center holes are just a bit bigger than the 1 1/2" knock outs, buttt, having a roll of plumbers nylon tape on hand and winding it around each cap 3-4 times, they slide into place and are stable. 1.09$ each. As I now have two sets of centercaps with Toyota emblems for 17" wheels, well, anyone interested can glom them for a dance and a song, and a little postage, but anyone with 15" wheels has a viable inexpensive option.
Inexpensive solution. Glad you had to wrap the nylon tape around. I'd make sure the 7 or so steel tabs on the back side are not touching the aluminum wheel or galvanic corrosion could happen. I admire your ingenuity. I have been searching for similar tight fitting repurposed ornaments made of plastic but have not found the right thing yet.
Is it ok if you leave it exposed? (I took off the hubcaps an hour after I bought my prime) My gas Station has unlimited touch less car washes so in the 10 days I’ve had the car it’s gotten about 5 washes (hence why I’m asking)