I just received a pair of visor extenders I ordered from Amazon. After looking at it, I thought: "Couldn't I just make my own like that with a piece of cardboard/plastic and a couple of the right size rubber bands?" Yes, I could, but it would look ghetto. So I ponied up the money and bought these from some entrepreneur. Installed the driver's side one this morning. Looks like it will do the trick. It's a nice durable piece of plastic, cut to size. The seller will ask what car you have. Shipping is not fast, it took about a week, all told. The elastic bands are of course more classy than rubber bands and will last longer. That's how I justified it to myself, anyway. The only downside I can see is that in order to get full extension of them, one of the bands has to go over the round pin with which the visor latches to the roof. One can either leave the visor floating when not in use or keep them a bit further over, which will limit the extension a bit. The elastic bands are nice and wide, and will also be a great place to store parking stubs and such. I'll post a couple pix later of it installed.
i got a cheesy plastic extender on amazon. held on by strapping tape, it has a tinted pull down riser, and sliding side to side visor for inner or outer. it rattles a bit, but works well.
I was looking in walfart for something like that. But saw a visor cd holder. $3.00. Bought one. Works GREAT! So I went back and bought another one before they realized I liked it and wanted it. The only downside is it's black and doesn't match. But I have thought about getting some cloth, cardboard or plastic, elastic, and make some to match.
I have one of those CD holders, though it's Case Logic. I can't see how it would work well as a shade. Got pix?
I think Velcro would stick to the visor cloth for other ways of attaching something. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I just use one of the two elastic straps. When it gets worn and loose, I'll flip it over and use the other one. When that wears out, I'll either look for more, or will probably have to make my own. I'm certain there won't be anymore in the store. Maybe a thrift store or garage sale....
Not if I install it on the front side of the visor. I would install it on the front anyway, so that it will close flush when not in use. You could put it on either side.
The velcro would probably damage the cloth, and then it would start to tear. And it probably wouldn't stick very well, or long.
I made my own with a heat gun, some plastic, felt, and spray on adhesive. I used a small button head bolt and a nut for the pull handle and covered the bare end of the bolt with a plastic cap for the ends of wire shelving.
Thanks. No patent. It was actually inspired by something someone else did here on PC about a year or so ago. It took quite a bit of massaging to finally get it to the right shape. IIRC, the knob was my own invention. The felt was at a hobby store and I thought it was close in color. When I got it out to the car, it was almost perfect. I started making one for my wife's '07, which naturally has a different shape to it. I need to get a better heat gun and get back to it.
Or NO work, no parts and $27. I used the visor extender today and it was Just the Thing. Highly recommended. If I had opted to make one myself, I'd still be chasing down and fabricating parts now.