I am on the list for a #9 Tideland, Seaside, or Salsa at Stevinson Toyota in the Denver area, they say they are the largest Toy dealer west of the Mississippi ????? whatever :roll: , they are very confident my #9 will be in, in 60 days, any thoughts anyone. :violin:
Call Mountain States Toyota. I don't know if they have any, but... That is where I bought mine. I know that they had 2 unspoken for Prius in Nov (they were sold before I could get there), but when I called they told me that they had another one coming in Dec. I put down the deposit and two weeks later - viola, I own a Prius! Contact them through their internet manager (on their website) and maybe you can save the D & H that they want to add on top of the MSRP ($399). Good luck.