my search has finally netted me a result and i found a 2015 radio screen for a relatively good price (200$) my question is : will it work with a 2014 c one easily ? will it be plug and play ? what will and will not work ? i care only about backup camera (will install later) radio and bluetooth pictures included for 2015 screen and 2014 plain radio (what i have now)
Installed the radio, dash trim, and ac controls from a 2015 into your 2014, nice! I only did the ac controls. With the rear camera thing, one guy on the forums in 2016 tried to do it but couldn't get the camera to stay on after some set time (60 sec?). He eventually went with the corolla/highlander headunit install because a bunch of people were able to get that working without a problem. I'd hope someone eventually solved the problem, but thought I'd let you know.
Any updates? i'm thinking on doing the same, the screen is more functional and practical than the simple one my 2012 C came with.