Our Warrenton Oregon Costco store ordered them for me and was told they were coming out of Arizona. They arrived about 4 days later and they were installed on 091312. Also the manufcture date of these tires were 27 th & 28th week of 2012.
shoot. I wish it was that easy. I even called two different costco locations nearby...and they are both showing no production date of availability. Costco says that either means they aren't making them anymore or they are 6+weeks plus on delivery (they don't know / can't tell).
I was curious, so this is what I found on the tire specs... 195/65R15 is around 832 rev per mi Michelin Energy Saver A/S 215/45s is around844 rev per mi Michelin Primacy MXM4 215/50R17 is around 818 rev per mi Continental ContiProContact 225/50R17 is around 803 rev per mi Michelin Energy Saver A/S
We have run Bridgestone Ecopia 422 tires on 2007 Prus Touring for 65,000 miles and found them to be excellent as to wear, safety and noise. Unfortunately the Prius Chat website has little usable information for Prius owners. I had hoped to find info on tire experiences and suggestions for replacements. Instead I find Fred's House of Pancakes. This is why I visit here so seldom. It is a waste of time.
Hmmmmmmm.....Freds House of Pancakes rates the Bridgestone Ecopia 422 tires at the bottom of the barrel.....which has been confirmed by Consumer Reports in thorough and extensive testing by engineers rather than the BS mouthology put forth by rank amateurs on this site.
I have had the EP 422 Plus for a couple years. Might be a suspension issue but one of the tires was noisy and vibrating right after they installed it at Costco. I had to go back three times and complain (they told me twice it's not the tires) until they replaced the two rears and the problem went away. Now a year later another tire is getting noisy again on the highway. That is a repetitive womp womp womp womp sound that feels like one womp per wheel revolution going 45-70mph and a vibration / shaking. Maybe I just had bad luck and got two defective EP 422 Plus ? I had gone to two independent shops and both said my wheels are not bent, it's your tires. Annoying issue...not sure I am ready to spend $600-700 and not going back to Costco after the poor service I received. Considering the Michelin Energy Saver A/S but not sure it's worth all the money. I have plenty of tread left on the EP 422 Plus. The Bridgestone are kind of harsh and loud in general on most roads even at low (20-40mph) speeds and lot of road surface vibration. Wondering if the Michelin are significantly better and would absorb a lot of the roughness and be quieter. Anyone else who has had a Prius and tried both the Bridgestone EP 422 Plus and the Michelin Energy Saver All Season? Big difference between them? Not much? Thanks