I have an iPhone X, and every time I open the Entune App for my 2017 Prime Advanced, it requires me to type in my full email address and password. I cannot seem to find anywhere how to force the app or the iPhone to remember my login and password. Anyone have an idea how to accomplish an easy login with either Face ID or retrieving a stored login from the iPhone?
Mine stays logged in all the time. I think I only had to sign back in after the app did an update. iPhone ?
I logged on in the settings (gear). I was prompted to create a PIN to access some of the Prime Apps but I am not prompted for a username or password. If I were you I’d do the standard force close app, phone restart, force restart. If all those do not fix the issue I would delete the app, restart, reinstall.
Ok - I will try closing and rebooting, then re-log in to see it can open afterwards without entering the data. Thanks to both of you! My phone is indeed the iPhone X, @Jamesb93612...
mine does the same thing for some ungodly reason... it didn't USED to... all it used to want was the phone. Now it wants me to signin-in using e-mail/password and ALSO to use the pin. I thought it might have just been asking for the user/pass after a restart of the phone, but no-joy. have to try reinstalling it and see if that helps.
Did you change your id or password recently? If the login fails you are prompted for the corrected credentials but if you don't update the Settings (Gear) it will continue to use the old ones next time and prompt again. ?? J
I do suppose, though, there's no way to avoid being prompted with a PIN every time? I mean, I get security and all that, but if I even leave the app for a few seconds to do something else on my phone, to get back into it, I need to enter that PIN every time.
It’s inconsistent for me (iPhone 8 and latest versions of the app and iOS). Sometimes it will stay logged in for a week or more at a time. Other times, it forces me to enter log-in credentials every time I use it. Per post above, this was supposedly fixed, but I’m finding not so much.
iPhone X. Used to stay logged in. Still had to use a PIN for the APP. But it would connect in my car with no issues and apps would work fine. Now everytime I want to use it in the car, I have to log in. My Entune app is 1.22.611.20
same for me, even after a fresh install... I have to log-in every time. what a pita... and it makes it even worse as they don't use the biometric (face or fingerprint) (which means they're not using the apple api's). no reason not to use those api's...
Pandora, Slacker, iHeart Radio. Works well for me (aside from the log-in/out issue). I’ve used some of the other apps a few times, but not regularly (e.g., gas prices, sports scores). Entune gets regularly trashed here, and I’ll concede the UI is pretty bare-bones, but it’s always worked fine for me.