Sadly my 2007 Prius didn't pass the state inspection for brake work that will run around a thousand. I just wanted to be sure that I was being charged a fair rate for the work I will have done. The breakdown with labor and parts is: Replace rear brake drums and shoes $475 Replace front rotors and sand pads $375 Computerized 4-wheel alignment $185 Replace liftgate release switch $225 The last work item was not part of the state inspection, but something I needed done so that I would have a working trunk. Are those reasonable prices? Thank you so much for your help.
doesn't seem horrible. is it a different place than the inspection? how many miles on her? were you having brake problems? did they show you the brakes?
It has 176K miles. The repair shop charges for the inspection, but has it done independently. I was having some troubles with the antilock sensor coming on randomly, and occasionally when braking the car would stop and lurch forward a little. No, I didn't see the brakes, but the inspector's report stated that for the linings for the rear it was at 1-1.5/32. The front drums were at 0.748 and were uneven.
Seems reasonable, butbhave you gotten a second opinion? What part of Indiana are you located? A location may help with recommendations . Good luck and keep us posted .
I'm actually in the DC metro area now, as I moved a month ago. In Indiana, we don't have inspections, which is why I didn't know that I needed to have work done. It also failed for wipers and headlights, but I am replacing the wipers myself, and having Sam's Club restore the headlights. I haven't had a chance to get a second opinion yet on the brake work, due to working a consistent 8-5 M-F work schedule, and most shops in the area aren't open on weekends. But I just noticed some places offer online quotes, which I can check into. I like the work so far of the shop, but I did feel that they were high when it came to headlight restoration ($180 vs. $40 at Sam's), so I wanted to double check that the other prices did not have as great a markup. I've attached a photo of the brake details from the inspection.
Sorry, but $1k for brakes and alignment is crazy. A set of drums and shoes are $50-60 aftermarket and they will last another 150K miles. Labor even at $110 /hr would/should not take 3+ hours. A set of rotors and pads are $50-90 aftermarket. Front brakes take 1 hour at the most. There is no reason to go OEM on the pads as the aftermarket are just as good for a Prius. Get the heaviest rotors available as they have greater mass and can withstand the heat better than a thinner/lighter rotor. All modern alignments are done with computers and lasers. $85 at the most. I would get a free alignment check at a Firestone before paying for one. I only get one with new tires or if I notice uneven tire wear. What is the breakdown of hours for this work? I doubt the dealership would charge this much. My opinion, this guy is taking advantage of you. Brakes are an easy job for any independent shop or DIY'er, even on a Prius.
1. Rear brake shoes would be around $81 for the parts, and the drums $154. I wonder if the drum replacement is warranted though. Did they report on the drum inside diameter, condition? Maybe. So: $235 for the parts, plus say 1.5 hour labour, it's a little steep. Drum brakes are very dependable, but also a royal pain to work on. I'm getting the costs here: Rear Brakes for 2007 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts IF the drums are not needing replacement, you should be able to bring that price down. Check against the spec's in the attachment, ask them what they're measuring for Inside Diameter.. 2. Front pads (I assume there's a typo, you mean to replace pads?) would be around $136. I'm not sure from my reference if that includes shims, which with this mileage would likely need replacement, maybe an extra $30. The rotors around $102, and as always: is replacement really warranted? Everybody is rotor replacement happy. Check against min thickness in the attachment. Runout is also a factor, but if you're not noticing pulsing, they're likely fine. Costs from here: Front Brakes for 2007 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts So: $238~268 (depending if shims are included) for parts, plus one hour labour, again, a little steep, not too bad though. 3. Forget the alignment. No point: you're there for brakes. 4. No clue, sounds kinda steep though.