With Entune on the Prime and an iPhone , if I want to listen to iHeart Radio or Pandora etc. in the car does the entune app need to be in the foreground? Running before I start Entune? Or does it start automatically on phone boot? I hate my current car where I have to unlock my phone and launch the bmw app to be able to use iHeart radio - so wondering how the experience is with Toyota. Also - I assume I can use Entune and then minimize the app and go to Waze and music will stIll play through Entune while I use my online mapping? One of the nice things with CarPlay is you just plug in the phone and listen - no need to unlock phones or launch an app while you are driving.
In my experience, you need to have Entune running on your phone to connect to the car. Once connected you you can let it run in the background. Unlike CarPlay, anything you do on the radio does not mirror on the phone so you can have iheart open on radio and waze on phone. iPad ?
At one time you needed to have the app open and running but not any more. I don't know if an app update or ios update changed things but as long as the app is installed things work like magic. I'm assuming your have your apps linked to your accounts in the entune app settings but that's a one time setup. I'm also assuming your phone is paired for both voice and data to your car via bluetooth. Just this morning I got in my Prime, dropped my iPX in the wireless charger, choose the APPS button and then Pandora. It played started playing my default playlist after a few seconds. I never unlocked the phone. J
This is my experience too - minus the wireless charging (7+). Phone is always in my pocket, nothing opening on it - just connects via bluetooth, and Pandora plays. I am loving it!
ok, mine definitely does not work that way... unless I have the app running it will not function as stated. Of course, my app now also asks for a user/password every time I start it as well as the pin so i'm assuming something got corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
iPhone? What version of iOS? What version of the ToyotaEntune App? I'm using ToyotaEntune App Version: 1.22.611.20 iOS Version: 11.4.1
hah... read the first review, that makes sense now... "unfortunately, if it can't log in for any reason (like your phone has no signal in the parking garage or a rural area) it throws your credentials away and makes you re-enter them. Which you cant do BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO SIGNAL." Ok, so if that's the case, I'd like an explanation from Toyota on how they QA their app... that's just piss poor. *I* live in a rural area with no cell phone connection (I do have gigabit fiber to my house though so I use wifi dialing and a nano-cell, but unless I park the car in the garage the nano cell doesn't reach (and if I have a lot of bags I often park it out front as it's a shorter run to the kitchen).