I have a bug in the speedometer. A real bug, not a software bug. Somehow it got behind the plastic window, and I don't know how to get it out. Any ideas?
:crazyeyes: Just as I start to think we've heard everything possible and are beginning to repeat ourselves with this car someone comes up with something totally original!! I'd probably start with a vacuum at the forward most areas of the dash and see if you can suck him out of there. Short of that I think your dash will need to be taken partly apart. I'll leave it to others more experienced than I to describe that process.
You may or may not know this, but the speedo display you see is actually a mirrored image being projected from the base of the dashboard. If you look at the dashboard and follow it up to the display unit you will see a rectangular area that can accumulate dust, lint, and yes, bugs which then will reflect on the speedo/gear indicator display. I cleaned the car dash and some lint from my cloth ended up on the "projector" and I freaked for a second because it seemed to be in the display itself. Hopefully this is your case as well. Best, Pino
Well the bug was gone this morning. Looking at the speedometer closer, I see what you mean about the mirror. It's not obvious at first. I wonder how you would keep that mirror clean. I don't remember seeing anything in the manual about it. My wife was mentioning last night that there is a green light that shines on the windshield right in the line of site of the driver above the speedometer at night. I'm wondering if there is some glare caused by the LED unit..
I'm not sure (don't own a Prius yet), but I've read something on this board about that glare. I think you need to turn down the dash lighting a notch or two.
It certainly is, in the UK-spec vehicle. It's the rightmost of the three pushbuttons underneath the multi-display (with hazard lights and odometer being the other two). Short presses cycle through the four brightness levels (day, 1, 2, 3) and long presses toggle mph to km/h and back. Be aware that it only has an effect when your lights are on - when they are off, th e dash is always in "day" mode.
The gauge display is in fact adjustable on all North American Prii. Just above your left knee on the dash behind the turn signal is a thumbwheel that will adjust the lighting intensity of the dash and MFD display (but it only operates when the headlights are turned on.)
Just wanted to thank those for the info about the mirror. I thought I got a leaf caught within the speedometer screen compartment, but it was simple sitting up on the dash and the display screen was catching its reflection.