I had a 2010 Prius II and absolutely loved it. I sold it because it did badly in the snow and I wanted the next generation with the traction control switch and new frame. Drove the regular Prius and the Prime and loved the feel of the Prime. Plus, I have a net zero house run on offsite solar, often running a surplus. I have a bunch of credits from Green Mountain power and work within range for the battery. Looking forward to many EV only miles! Pictures to come later--it's dark now and I only took a few quick lousy phone shots earlier when picking it up. It's white, not quite as fun as my red 2010, but I really like the style of the body this generation (I know it's considered a polarizing design but I seem to be one of the ones who likes it!). Not much to report on yet as I only picked it up earlier today, but it was a nice drive home...and yikes, is the 700 page manual daunting!
congrats on the new prime. Fellow Vermonter here. In case you didn't know... Green Mountain Power is offering a FREE level 2 charger for all its customers with newly purchased plug in vehicles. You will need to install it on your dime however. Good luck with car
Congrats...you can snuggle up in the Vermont cold winter nights and read your 700 page manual. Should work like a warm glass of milk.
Wow! I saw a mention of it but wasn't sure if they're offering it for plug in hybrids as well as all electric cars. Are they? That would be a great incentive. I have a newish Vermod house, net zero with the offsite solar. I live by myself and don't use much electricity--so each month I have a surplus. Would be very handy to add the level 2 charger! That would knock me RIGHT out... That thing is dense--and a grammatical trainwreck with the bad translation!
GMP told me that I qualified with the Prius Prime we just got for my wife about 2 weeks ago. Ive yet to take them up on their offer because in order to get the free Level 2 charger, you need to buy a monthly car charging plan for about 30 bucks. Im waiting for my first full monthly bill, to see just how much it goes up since we began charging. If your producing enough solar to net you zero, is it possible that you'd be leaving money on the table??? If thats the case then Id say that buying the $29.99 monthly charging plan, that I think is a requirement, might be shooting yourself in the foot. Call them and ask how it would shake out if you were to go that route. The GMP rep was very helpful once I got through. It would also be worth considering what it would cost you to install, as installation is on your dime. Im my case I've got the skills to do the install myself, but if you need to hire an electrician then perhaps you need to figure your ROI
Sounds like a pain--and yes, buying an extra plan I would probably lose out. Right now all my electricity is basically free, because of the surplus. Unfortunately I was too late (built the house in 2016) to get the actual net metering and get paid back for any I don't use, but not having a bill is nice even if I've lost out on that. I believe my house was wired for an eventual plug in, plus my dad has the skills to do an installation if it isn't, so I'd save on labor costs. I'll have to call GMP on Monday and see if they can help me figure it out. What area of VT are you in/where did you buy your Prime? I'm in Hartford, got mine at White River Toyota. What is the deal with workplace charging--is that usually a subscription service like Chargepoint or offered as part of job benefits? Lots of new stuff to figure out! I'm asking because I'm in the process of applying for positions at Dartmouth Hitchcock and hear they have charging stations but don't know how it all works yet...
When i got my Prime, my goal was to learn one thing per day. You don’t need to digest it all at once, especially with this helpful forum.
Im in Grafton VT. Car came from Faiths Ford Toyota in the Bellows Falls area. As far as on the job charging, I can't help you. My wife works not too far from Dartmouth and has spoken with her employer about installing charging stations. I think some companies offer it as a courtesy to employees, and some charge. We are hoping her company will offer it free, if and when they install the charging stations. I think that the Chargepoint stations listed are in the Hanover area but not sure that they are on Dartmouth Hitchcock Property. We are new to the Prime as well so we are still figuring it out too. We seem to have a 2 week head start on you. I can tell you this..... My wifes daily, one way commute to work is about 55 miles. She has been able to go an average of 37 miles after a full overnight charge here at home before the ICE kicks in. She does this driving pretty much all county roads, at or near the speed limit. She has yet to get on the interstate with it but I suspect that her EV range won't be nearly as good going 65 to 70 mph. It may be worthy of mention that she did have about 3 years on her Prius c before she graduated to her Prime. I can't help but to think that some of the driving technique she acquired driving her Prius c helps her in getting good EV range out of the plug in.
Today I decided to just ignore it (got so overwhelmed last night!) and enjoy driving it. Breaking it down to one thing per day sounds like a good idea!
Sounds like your wife has been getting great range! Good to hear. That's a long commute! I'm lucky I moved into town, Dartmouth isn't that far for me. I grew up in Strafford so know what a drag long commutes can be, though. Sounds like your Prime will give her significant savings. Makes sense what you're saying about habits learned on a regular Prius helping; I had my 2010 for 3 years before getting the Prime. I think it helped me...but can't really be sure yet as I've only taken 2 trips so far--home from the dealer and a quick trip to the store today. Fully EV after charging last night using the included plug (dealer sold it to me with the battery dead...arrgh!), still says there's about 16 miles of range left. Fun to follow along on the dash monitors to see where I gain or lose juice. I'm not driving a lot this next week but it will be exciting to learn as I go. I haven't gone on the interstate yet either. I will be in two weeks from now to go to the airport, it'll be interesting to see how it does then. That would be great if you could get her employer on board with charging. I tried to look into it more just now about Dartmouth, they're not on the usual maps but it says they have two stations--one in their huge parking garage and one in an offsite clinic. Who knows! They just got a new CEO who is willing to listen and is trying to make positive changes (as opposed to wrecking the place like the last guy), so maybe a suggestion to clarify or promote the charging options is in order...? I did see a Chargepoint stop at Dan and Whit's when I got chicken feed earlier, so they're around here, just have to look for them. And I DID pass another Prime on the way home--a quick glimpse of a gray one!
Wise advice but I keep forgetting stuff so one day forward, two days backwards. (All kidding aside...you will love this car)
You can also locate our stations using the ChargePoint app which includes a station map. I'll note that our station map also includes stations from Blink, eVgo, and SemaCharge, and you can use the station map on our website, too! I hope this helps.
The only benefit of a Level 2 charge station is quicker recharge. If you're plugged in in your garage all night, or plugged in all day at work, there is no advantage to the Level 2. The Prime still has the limited ground clearance of the older Prius. Not the best after a snowfall. Get four good snow tires. You'll be OK until you get high centered.
Thanks! I've been poking around some on the website, and will get an account soon! I'm planning on getting snow tires right away. I've always put snow tires on all my cars and can't imagine trying to make it on just all season tires in the winter...seems silly (and stupid), at least around here... I drive mostly on paved and well maintained roads, so clearance wasn't as much an issue as the handling. Hoping with the redesigned frame and the addition of a traction control switch that might improve a bit. I might still get a level 2 charger if the incentives are alright, but am doing fine for now with just doing the regular plug in at night. It's been almost a week and I haven't yet used any gas! Really pleased so far.
Right now, they ship a free level 2 charger to customers who have just bought a new electric or plug in hybrid car; for those who already have one they can buy a charger at a discount. Then for heavy users they offer a plan that has a flat rate per month for all electricity used to charge (I think it was about $30), or just leaving it at the same levels as usual (which is what I will do--I have credits I'm not using up so my bill will still be zero or close to it). I think that's how it works...? I had a frustrating day of phone tag with them yesterday. Seems not many people there knew much about it, and were just repeating what was on the website. Lots of going around in circles.
It's been a week this Friday and I'm loving the Prime so far! Managed to stay in EV range almost the whole week--only used a bit of gas last night, coming back from Windsor, just barely beyond the range both ways. I plug it in at night each night and have managed to do everything but the Windsor trip all electric. Today I ended up parking next to an identical white Prime. Didn't get a picture, though that would have been fun, but got to talk to the owner. She had gotten hers a week ago as well and is just as excited as I have been. It was fun to get a minute to talk and I told her about the GMP charger incentives and about Prius chat.