Symptom: CEL on -- code indicating problem with EGR circuit -- sometime misfire. Knowing the issues from this forum -- I ordered a new OE valve, planning to clean tube and cooler. My Indie is doing the work and when the tube came off he called to say the intake would need to come off as the opening was mess .. boy was it -- only one port open ... #2. The cooler has not opened -- even soaking all weekend --- we had to get a new one ,...ordered a new OE online. Going to be an expensive fix .. even with internet pricing it's a bit over $500 in parts. He thought the valve was still working -- but it's a mess. I'm going to keep both parts and clean -- we have many 3 cars with same engine (Lexus CT's and Prius) How is the EGR tested -- can it be ? Is it all different in the Gen 4's we switched out the PVC with an OE Toyota .... plugs are good at 70k .. car has 212k
Pics? What I’d do in your spot for cleaning would be to start off with brake Kleen and plug the end. Once you do that and let it soak, I’d hit it with a pressure washer. You’ll get it clean with determination and a bit of elbow grease.
He tried various cleaners -- a particular carburetor cleaner as well ... that he says is the strongest and he has to use outside. It was soaking all weekend and he had the regular parts washer hose on it for hours. I had to order a new one -- I will work on it later for a future switch out should that be required.