Well I took a rock near the edge of my factory windshield and in a matter of an hour it had marched about 3/4 across the middle of the glass. Called up my insurance (State Farm), scheduled a replacement (with Safelite) that required the vehicle at their shop to calibrate something, I'm assuming the lane departure system. Had the car for a day or so and I swear my HUD is now larger and slightly slanted. I've read a lot about OEM glass being required for vehicles with HUDs, but the issues I've read about do not match what I think I'm seeing. Is there a way to aim the HUD projector? If it needs a different windshield I probably won't bother with it, if I'm being honest. I don't find it to be a problem and I'm sure I'll be getting another windshield in a year or two anyways.
What brand is the windshield? Is there a logo stamped on the glass? I don't have a HUD, but have two cameras behind the glass. Safelite quoted me $500 on the website (directed by my insurance), but I thought Toyota branded glass was $1,000+ TIA...
This is the 2016 USA Manual - read it in the manual, because there is more than this snip. It's possible that no 2 windscreens are exactly alike, and a slight curvature change could mean a different position.
Both of these address the adjustment up/down and left/right but do not address my concern of zoom and pitch. It seems much larger now and as I said it's slightly slanted.
Hmm - I wonder if the glass has a different profile/curvature, still with the external edges in the same spot, but might affect the position of the HUD. It could be worth talking with your insurer - they might be interested?