Not sure. I'd suspect the spec is a bit off, especially with the comment from @Patrick Wong above. To confirm the spec, I've attached a (2nd gen) repair manual excerpt:
Further, for those who wish to take the spec literally, note that the last step in the oil change process says to check the engine oil level according to page LU-1. Page LU-1 says that the engine oil level should be at the full mark. Also see the NOTICE: Do not add engine oil above the full mark. Hence, keeping the oil level at the full mark is more important, than adding 3.9 US quarts. 2G owners already know that the fuel capacity spec of 11.9 US gallons is way off, so there should be no surprise if the oil capacity spec is a little off.
So the reason my car only needs 3.5 quarts to appear full is because I'm not raising and slighty tipping so as to maximize the amount of oil drained out?
The drain is probably the same no matter what direction the car is tilted, I think. If it's like third gen, the drain hole is at a localized, extra low point. Drain time is a factor too: if you start the drain (preferably with the oil hot), then just walk away, have supper or whatever, you'll get an ounce or two more. Be careful with this method though: when you walk away it may be dripping into your catch basin just fine, but a half hour later the trickle may have clung to the pan more, found a new path, and be dripping beyond your basin, lol. The third gen spec is right on, fwiw. I just slam in the spec'd amount, don't bother checking for a few days, till it's settled down, and it's right on the top mark.
That is potentially one reason. Do you check the dipstick a few days later to verify the oil level remains full?
Yes, making up alternate facts, has been in other threads doing the same, has had the problem explained and ignored the help, just ignore. The gen2 gets its best mileage when it’s slghtly below the full, 7/8th’s will do. Or the maf filter sucks up oil and into the ice it goes.
I agree with the second half of what you said... The first half however seems to be your ego's issue with always wanting to feel right, rather than actually being helpful. Had you just initially said that 2nd part, there would of been more opportunity for agreement rather than misunderstanding and disagreement. But some people don't just feel themselves if that can't get all uppity and upset about the "truth" and "facts"
To the OP...this is my opinion. I think you are throwing people off by asking if you should be "Worried". Yeah on a "Global" political, social, environmental level, it should be low on your list. BUT... Nothing I have read on the internet suggests that overfilled Oil is good. If you google the term, you will find lots of articles suggesting it IS to be avoided, especially with today's engines, that have tighter tolerances than in yesteryear. Many of the articles suggest being overfilled can be damaging. I know with my Prius, the engine oil was overfilled once by the dealership, and it may of been a fluke, but I saw a significant improvement in MPG when I siphoned the Oil to the recommended level. So while I wouldn't say you need to get a prescription filled for anxiety medicine. I definitely would side with getting it adjusted.
Baloney. More priuschat nonsense. Have kept my oil at three full line on my 07 for 11 years. Never any problems with the Maf. And at 120000 miles does not eat any oil whatsoever. To the op looks Like classic dealer oil change. The monkeys there always overfill it because they use god awful worst oil in the world vat oil with highly inaccurate hydraulic hand pumps. Or you went to jiffy there computer says the G2 takes 5 quarts oil. No matter wher I take my car for an oil change I bring them exactly 3.5 quarts of oil and a new filter and then pray they don’t F that up.
I often don't agree with your, Ed, but here I absolutely DO. One person has an extra 2 QUARTS put into his engine and it messes stuff up.......and all of a sudden having an extra two OUNCES of oil is the absolute end of the world. It isn't. When that does happen, the extra oil ends up.......down in the oil pan......where it might splash around a little bit more. That certainly will not cause any "damage" to anything and will not have any stark impact on gas mileage. And the tighter tolerances of the moving parts in the engine certainly has no impact on the little bit of extra oil down in the pan. Coincidences can be deceiving. Internet "experts" often aren't. And it seems a LOT of people are gullible.