What kind of cams are you all installing? I saw the thread with the accident of the guy being rear-ended. I've been thinking about it for a while anyway.
I had a BlackVue DR500GW, that I had on my previous car, but it was having issues. The main brand over here in the UK is NextBase. They have what looked like an awesome 4K camera in their 612GW model. Their earlier models get really good reviews on Amazon. However, for some reason it would stop recording randomly and not resume until you pressed the record button on the screen, or turned it off and on again. I could find no pattern to this issue. They sent me one of their own (re)branded SD cards to be certain it wasn't that, but the issue remained. Their support were really really good. But there's no point in having a dashcam that you're not certain is even recording. The image quality was also really good, especially as it had a built in polarising filter. All other 4K cameras I could find seemed to be terribly unreliable according to Amazon reviews. Another reviewer of the NextBase 612GW had the same issue as me, and went for a VanTrue N2 Pro. Surprisingly, I'd never heard of this brand before, but they're popular and also get among the highest reviews of any Dashcam on Amazon. So I went for this. It is HD not 4K, but the image quality is really good. The viewing angle of the camera lens is really really high, so it'll record everything. It also has a built in rear facing HD camera with IR illumination, so it can record in nightvision what's going on in the interior of the car. This also partially serves as a rear dashcam, as you can see out of the windows OK. Not as good as a separate camera, but at least there's no wiring or positioning to worry about. Had the unit a few weeks. It's got good options in the settings, you can record in 60FPS if you want just front camera recording, or in 2x 30FPS HD if you want front and rear. There's an optional separate GPS module if you want that. It's suction mounted, but it's a REALLY good suction mount that feels rock solid. With all my cameras, I use a hard wiring kit. If you want to know anything else just ask.
They exist (e.g. Google Street View cameras), but they have to be mounted on a pole so that the roof doesn't block too much of the view. Pixel 2 ?
It wouldn't if you're not looking to collect photos or video of the vehicle surroundings without the vehicle. A 360-degree camera mounted just an inch or two off the roof could provide plenty of coverage for the ultimate dash cam.
I have the BlackVue 650s, it was fairly easy with the since power/video cable for the rear camera that made threading it through the cabin easy, I believe I went on bottom passenger side door sill panels and up the passenger A-pillar
I just bought a Street Guardian SG9663DC with hardwire kit. It has front and rear camera. Also bought the wiring so it would do parking mode. All in on Amazon Prime was appx $250. Getting it installed next Friday. I’ll report on how I like it later.
After using the Street Guardian for about 10 days it’s a pretty good system. Picture is only 120 degrees which is fairly narrow but I knew that when I bought it. Good system for the $. Only issue is the firmare has a bug that’s not letting it record at any speed other than 1fps when the engine is turned off. Can be set to record up to 5fps but doesn’t currenttly work at any speed over 1fps.
I've got Snooper dash cams, getting them fitted this week. I had them in my Citroen until I got the Prius. The Citroen got rear ended earlier this year, pushing me in to a car in front. I believe because I said I had it on camera (which I had), the 3rd party admitted liability for all damage, within 2 days (without seeing the video). I've heard that normally they would dispute the push in to another car.