metric 2014 BMW i3-Rex 2017 Prius Prime Model 3 1 City MPGe 117 133 136 2 Hwy MPGe 39 54 123 3 Longest trip 700 1200 2300 4 Range 150 640 310 5 EV 72 25 310 6 Price $29k (used) $28k (new) $40k (used) There may be an opportunity to pickup a used, Model 3, in the Fremont CA area. Tesla prioritized sales to employees close to the Fremont CA. With 36,000 produced, a reasonable guess is 10% or 3,600 employee owned. Then in the middle of June, 9% were laid off so ~360 Model 3 are probably owned by laid off Tesla employees. Time to keep one's eyes open for a used Model 3. Bob Wilson
Looking at the title, does this mean you added a Model 3 to your stable of cars? You show your longest trip of 2400 miles for the Model 3.
Pics or it didn't happen! @hill must have corrupted him. Perhaps he is still on the road awaiting a charge.
It is wishful thinking for now. But I am looking at which car(s) to give up. I like the BMW liquid cooled battery and the highway range of the Prius Prime. The long range Model 3 can use the existing SuperCharger network can reach Stillwater OK or Coffeyville KS. The longest leg, 280 miles, is Little Rock AR to Tulsa OK. When the Fort Smith AR SuperCharger comes in, any of the Tesla could handle the trip. Bob Wilson
Requirements are individual: I did not expect in October 2005 that my fellow engineers would understand that I only paid 11 months each year of car payments for a used Gen-1, 2003 Prius. I did not expect anyone else to understand my May 2009 purchase of a Gen-3, 2010 Prius and sale of our 2001 Echo for $3k. I never expected my co-workers to understand buying a 2014 BMW i3-REx in my last work year and in December, a 2017 Prius Prime. Please understand that if your undocumented requirements say a Model 3 is not appropriate, fine with me. Just making such a claim without details is ... unexplained. Bob Wilson
Yet you hang out here on the Tesla sub-forum, why? You are welcome to hang here, but there must be something compelling about Tesla that draws you to the brand. Tell us what that is.
at 35k less state and fed tax credits, i'm extremely impressed. after the fed credit ends, i'm still impressed, but don't know if i would purchase. but that is just because my personal need is a much lower range bev. when there are enough superchargers, that may all change, as tesla will have the best network for long distance travel, and we could trade in our hycam.
That is all changing right now. How many are "enough?" As a result of the VW settlement requirement, building a charger network, Tesla will be able to access the VW network with an adapter (that was part of the agreement with the US) but not vice-versa. I also expect that big oil is going to get into the charger business as a way to hedge their bets at gasoline properties. There are going to be millions of BEVs on US highways in the next few years. The charger network is going to explode servicing all of them when their is a profit to be made charging for electricity! Me? I'm going to charge at home at night for free and avoid the expense and crowds.
speaking for myself, there is not enough charging infrastructure to justify a long range bev at this time. when it is as easy as gassing infrastructure, i'll jump ship. for pip replacement and charging at home, i'm just waiting for a decent vehicle that meets my needs.
I'm open to new or used: What To Buy: A New Tesla Model 3 Or a CPO Tesla Model S? I’ve been driving a Tesla Model S for about 4.5 years now, and have driven about 90,000 electric miles. I absolutely love my 2012 P85, and will never to go back to an internal combustion engine car again. In fact, we just purchased my wife’s new 2018 Long Range rear-wheel drive Model 3 and our household now has 100% electric transport. Bob Wilson