I would also be grateful for any input from @jeff652 on whether I should try to recondition using Prolong, as is, with the current condition of block 9 or if I should first replace the modules in block 9, with those tested from Hybrid Automotive, before I recondition. Thanks in advance.
So, I have reconditioned the pack with the Prolong package (with the bulb discharger). Attached are 2 Hybrid Assistant Load Test reports, one right after reconditioning (waited 1.5 hours after the 3rd charging session) and the second after a couple of quick drives. Would be grateful for your comments.
No, they are all still stock. I was hoping the reconditioning process would revive them. Block 9 was errant before reconditioning. I have the Pre-reconditioning report at: #16
Sriv, Just looking at the second chart, it looks to me like you hit a homerun. (If not a homerun, at least a standing double). You've gone from a 3 minute discharge to about 6.5 minutes, at a similar discharge current. The discharge graphs for all the blocks are reasonably tight with each other. I don't think you actually had a true "failed" module, just excessively discharged. Looks like they livened up pretty well after you hit it with the Prolong AED. Now all you need to do is monitor it to track how it acts over the next several months. Throw in a load test now and then to see if any blocks are showing weakness.
Thanks. I hope it stays this way for a significant number of months, considering the expense and labor with the Prolong harness, etc. Is the 0.81V Max Delta reasonable for the age of the battery? Of course I see the HA report says I shouldn't rely on one test for Max Delta.
The big delta you're seeing was due to the large current load drawn from the battery to start the engine. I wouldn't lose sleep over it right now. Keep an eye on your "bars" each morning when you initially get in the car and when you park it for the night. If you're going from 5 blue when parking to 2 red in the morning again any time soon, you'll probably need to work on an alternative plan. If it starts doing it months down the road, hit it with the charger again, or just get on a 3,4,5,6 month cycle to keep it as "alive" as possible.
I'll defer to experts on this but even HA says that 1 occurrence isn't a sign of problems, its consecutive readings. "Maximum delta value between highest and lowest block is the most important parameter for battery health: high delta values suggests a weary battery. Delta values are significant only when repeated over a long time: the table counts consecutive samples where delta value is over the indicated threshold. Low counts are not an indication of a fault while high counts may be" That big delta is most likely from the engine start load. Your consecutive readings report is looking much much better: