My 2013 has about 81K miles on it. Does anyone know of a shop in the greater Bay Area, CA that could be trusted to properly clean the egr circuit? And what I might expect to pay? I’m not sure the dealership would clean parts and reinstall. I’ve watched the Nutz and bolts videos and I suspect this process may be a bit above my pay grade. I consider myself DIY capable..... but, more along the lines of fluid changes. It’s been my experience that mechanics really don’t want to “told” how to perform their work - I can appreciate that. It’s just that from what I’ve read, the cleaning process seems very specific and detailed. Thanks for any advice
Not sure about shops, but I have a clean spare of the cooler and valve available . You could check with Arts Automotive in Berkeley or luscious garage in San Francisco, let them know what you’ll be trying to do and see what they say. All I would ask is a return of the dirty cooler and valve if you want to go down that path. Where in the Central Valley are you located? Willing to help out if I can .
Way to represent! Most mechanics just want to get paid. Most also want their customer to be happy. I'm thinking that the CV/IE probably has more than one mechanic that knows about the EGR cleaning procedure for the G3, and so you should be able to get somebody who will be willing to perform this task. MY only problem with paying this work done would be making sure that it was done CORRECTLY......and there's really only one way to do that. I'd either look to a Prius specialist like Lucious (about 180 miles from you?) who has a reputation in Priusdom to defend or take @Raytheeagle up on his most generous offer. Good Luck! Let us know how it shakes out.
Or you can meet up with @Raytheeagle on his monthly Bay Area meet ups and he’ll help you out, he’ll be saving you at least a good 200-300$ on labor alone
That's a VERY generous offer - very kind of you - thanks! We're semi-retired living in the Modesto area. I am, however, willing to drive the car to someplace to have the work done (or, my driveway could certainly work). If I were to have a (new) friend help me perform this cleaning, I'd of course pay him for that help. It appears to my eyes to be a fairly significant undertaking. My biggest concern about paying a garage to do the work is that I'm concerned about how thorough the cleaning would be. I remember reading a thread somewhere that indicated the small egr ports inside of the intake manifold had not been properly cleaned out. At any rate, when I'm ready to get it done, I'll check out Luscious and Arts Automotive. If nothing else, they'll be able to give me an idea what kind of $$$ this cleaning will run. Thanks again for the offer - I may take you up on it - especially if we can figure out what your time is worth.
Not sure what "CV/IE" means. I share your concern about getting the job done correctly. I've seen enough videos (excellent job Nutz about Bolts!) and read enough threads to think that having this job done thoroughly and correctly is important.
Central Valley / Inland Empire. It means that I live in flyover country and don't know very much about the California....
What timing are you looking at getting this work done? Would you want to host the potential meetup we have later this month: Possible Monthly install meets. Bay Area-Fremont If you want it done sooner than the 25th, we could meet somewhere and I could transfer the cooler, then do a similar activity for yours. Up to you. Good luck and keep us posted .
Just know the Central Valley and inland empire are a bit apart. But if looking on an atlas, close enough for horse shoes or hand grenades.
I think, at 81K miles, I may have some time yet before this project needs to be taken on. I'll be out of town later this month for several weeks. I'll have to look into attending one of these meetups sometime in the next few months. In the link you sent, it seems they're scheduled about once a month?
Respond back to the meetup thread with a date that works for you and we might be able to work something out. They usually are every other month, depending on work schedules. Mine has been slammed recently. But offer up a date and we’ll see what we can do .
I’m sure any shop would do it, but te knowledge of the task is the key. Also they likely won’t clean parts, so you’d have to work out with them either of these options: Remove the parts then you clean them and return them to the mechanic Have cleaned spare parts ready to go to give to the mechanic I have a spare egr cooler and valve that I have clean and at the ready. Hope that helps.