When Tesla AutoPilot is involved in a crash it makes national news. When Tesla AutoPilot prevents a crash, which is much more frequent. no one pays attention. Tesla Model 3 on Autopilot avoids crash in near-miss caught on dashcam | Electrek
usually the people that cut you off like that are Jokers trying to get past one more car before they turn off. I'd be tempted to speed up so he'd never even thought about trying to merge, then, maybe as a lesson - when he tries to get behind me ..... maybe slow down a tad buwwaahahaha! (ok not really, I'd just hit the brakes) .
The near miss is reminiscent of another incident back in April of 2016. A Tesla Model S narrowly avoided a side collision when a boom-lift truck merged in the right lane without looking. The whole thing was also caught on camera and the driver, Joshua Brown, the same Tesla owner who died in a car crash on Autopilot a month later credited the system for saving him. Trust is a wonderful thing, until it kills you.......