Hi! I'm new here and thinking of buying a Prius c. I have some questions for the group here but for now I will ask one. Does a bag of golf clubs fit in the trunk? Thanks!
There's no actual "trunk" but the rear seatbacks both fold down, so from the rear hatch about to the backs of the front seats is all cargo area. Multiple sets of golf clubs would fit no problem.
Sorry, "trunk" was the wrong word. I was indeed speaking of that cargo area. It looks small in pictures but it's hard to tell. Assuming the seatbacks stay up, do you think a set of clubs would fit? Thanks!
I do not know about the c but with the Hatchback there are two indentions on either side of the cargo area right up against the hatchback door where a set up clubs can be turned sideways and fit right in the indentions. I carry mine in there all of the time. I would like to know if the c has the same width and indentions as the Hatchback.
That was one of the first things that I did when I first started looking at the Prius It was one of the top items on my list.
Using my Prius C for Uber driving and found out the hard way that golf bags do not fit in rear hatch. Thank goodness there was only one passenger. He laid his golf clubs in back seat and sat up front.
I can fit my golf bag in the trunk as long as I don't have my driver in the bag. I pull the driver out of the bag and place it on top of the bag, in the trunk and it fits... it's not a comfortable fit, but it does fit diagonally... That being said, for ease, I usually just lay them on the back seat. Mostly because I'm not usually golfing alone and it will certainly not fit two golf bags.