Once you have a chance to read through these studies, I believe you will find most of them take that into account. There is a lot of room for improvement as well. EVs are good now, and they are just going to get better
To drag the OP back on topic - undoubtedly kicking & screaming I'm sure, here's the good outlook: In so many words, musk has already said (in effect) that if he opened one of the greatest burger joints in the world, & every day the line was a ¼ mile longer than he can serve .... it's a great problem to have. And if another local person begins selling similarly great burgers, & it takes away ½ his business .... well, that shortens his line to only ⅛ of a mile long. that too is a great problem to have. .
Steel is probably the most recycled material we have, and yet we still need to mine ore to meet demand. Yes, BEV batteries will have second lives in stationary uses, and, hopefully, they will be recycled, but the upfront cost for the battery is going to be around for awhile seeing how there are a lot of ICE cars to be replaced by a plug in.
Got my deposit back Friday, hope the check doesn’t bounce. This Reuters News follows the news about Cuban cobalt in Tesla batteries reported last Friday. July 23 (Reuters) - Shares of Tesla Inc fell more than 4 percent in trading before the bell on Monday, after a report that the electric car maker has turned to some suppliers for a refund of previously made payments in a bid to turn a profit. Tesla has asked some suppliers to refund money paid by the electric car maker since 2016, the Wall Street Journal on Sunday citing a memo (graphic). The memo, which the paper said was sent by a global supply manager, described the request as essential to Tesla's continued operation and characterized it as an investment in the car company to continue the long-term growth between both players.
Elon Musk tweets, Tesla's stock tumbles What the heck is going on with CNN and Tesla??? This is like the third slash and run piece that they have done on Elon! Yeah, they're CNN but still..... ????
Tesla’s junk bond coming due in 2025 88160RAE1= fell 1.75 cents to trade as low as 88.875 cents on the dollar, its biggest drop since Moody’s downgraded the company’s senior notes to Caa1 following production delays. It cost $5.96 to insure $100 of Tesla’s debt, plus an upfront cost of around 18 percent, representing a total of 24.1 percent of the face value of the 2025 bond on Monday. “The CDS is saying that there are a lot of people betting this company is going out of business,” said Thomas Graff, head of fixed income at Brown Advisory. Tesla has burned cash ramping up production of its Model 3 sedan, which prior to July, had fallen short of a series of targets.
I knew they had money problems but I didn't think that it was that bad... MORE importantly....I figured 'the other network' would out them first. CNN throwing them under bus makes my brain itch.....
it appears CNN's source is a big time NY fund managing - oil stock owning - tesla hating - fake news creating, to help his short position - skum bag; Tesla troll and short doxxed as heavily invested in oil industry, Musk reportedly calls his boss | Electrek poor @Lucifer ... he too, will need to find another fake news source in order to be a great fud monger. .
And it is not even certain Elon called his boss. That story is proposed by the scumbag himself, a known liar. I hope he is prosecuted for criminal stock manipulation.