Submitted for your approval: I was listening to Slate's Political Gabfest (don't judge me.....) and I stumbled across this little gem: List of the similarities between Silicon Valley and the Soviet Union goes viral - Business Insider To which I would add an almost relationship between collective farm harvests and the output of the greatest industry that the world has ever known. Entertaining.....unless you're one of the poor souls paying $3500 a month to sublet a furnished garage.....
more people are likely to have an easier time leaving the valley than the gulag. first pic is misleading, those aren't adults. the rest is over my head. sounds like gn x whining, but i know people in russia who are happy.
As someone who was born in, grew up in and has returned to living in Silicon Valley, I got most of it. I've also followed some or at least heard of the stories it was referring to: Juicero and probably also the massive fraud known as Theranos. Was actually quite amusing. And, our housing costs here are insane. Besides insanity in the city of SF, there's stuff like this: Burned Silicon Valley home sells for more than $900,000 Condemned Silicon Valley house sells for $1.2 million Single-Family Home in Sunnyvale Fetches Record $3.1 Million - NBC Bay Area - it's only 2900 square feet
when you're out there, it seems unique, but they are tearing down million dollar homes in the boston suburbs and building 2.5-3m homes on the lots like they are going out of style. they are not making any more land.
Also, forgot to add the below. This isn't strictly Silicon Valley as SF is way north but a ton of tech and tech-related companies are based in or have a substantial presence in the city of SF. Examples: Twitter, Uber, Lyft,, Zynga, Square Junkies Take Over Corridors Of San Francisco Civic Center BART Station « CBS San Francisco I rarely ever take BART (closest logical station for me to take to where I need to go those few times is 46 miles from home) and I have noticed Civic Center station is kinda sketchy but have never gotten on/off there.
Arrived at Aquatic Park in SF this morning about 9:30. There was a scruffy guy laying down on the bleachers. When another dozen or so people arrived for a group swim at 10:00, he disappeared. Night shift gave way to the tourist day shift...