Does anyone know what could cause the codes below? Car is being rebuilt from minor front and rear damage. ----Antilock Brake System Codes Scan Report---- 2 Antilock Brake System Trouble Codes: 1. C1417 IG1 Voltage Supply too High 2. C1425 Open in Stop Switch Circuit
Just a WAG ... If the circuit is open (no load) then voltage would likely be high. Perhaps a connector needs reattaching? J
I am 1st time. I have most of the front and rear off right now. I just wasn't sure what could be disconnected with the AntiLock system.
Yes I will if I have too. Just wanted to see if anyone had any info on this or things to look at before I spent the money just for this one item.
Start with the 6 fuses for ABS in the engine fuse box, four are 30 Amp and two are 10 amp. I have access to wiring diagrams for my 2016 I got from a subscription to Do it Yourself Automobile Repair Manuals - Mitchell 1 DIY There are three pages to the ABS System. They are owned by Snap-On Tool. There are six more fuses under the dash fuse box. I am assuming your year newer car is the same as mine.
The website is, and a subscription ($20 for two days) includes access to the Repair Manual, which has instructions for removing and installing most of the parts of the car, along with troubleshooting procedures for all the diagnostic trouble codes, including C1417 and C1425. Toyota also publishes a Hybrid Vehicle Dismantling Manual (PDF), available at no charge from the same site, as a guide for safe disposal of the car at the end of its life.
Maybe it used to be? This says it's $20 now:
Still worth it though . Hard to get direct information at that price. When you buy it for 2 days, be ready to download and save as much as you can.
I’ve only ever delved into the repair manual and wiring diagrams . But with the subscription, they work well.
Not conveniently, but I think there is enough to justify spending $20. The service bulletins and campaign publications are PDF documents, as are the technical training course books, though each chapter is a separate document, just over 350 in all. For recent models, the Repair Manual, New Car Features, and Collision Repair Manual books are presented not in PDF, but instead as thousands of HTML documents, one per topic. You can print topics individually to paper, or to PDF, if you’re using Google Chrome or another browser that supports this. I wrote about the Electrical Wiring Diagram viewer in a previous thread.