24th Jul - 3rd Aug Total Miles: 32431.8kms Tank Miles: 787.5km MFD Avg: 4.5L/100km (just) Calc'd Avg: 4.59L/100km Fuel Added: 36.164 litres Price per litre: 1.134¢/litre Cost: $41.01 Avg Temp: 21°C
I normally fill up with two bars/pips left but for my latest tank I decided to try for the 700 mile club, which I joined. I drove down to one bar/pip. 719 miles 10.418 gallons 69.02 actual MPG
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(singingtiger @ Aug 5 2006, 09:15 PM) [snapback]298488[/snapback]</div> I also joined the 700 miles club today: Tank: 719 miles 10.615 gallons 67.7 mpg MFD at 70.2 mpg My previous tank came in at 64.1 mpg and my lifetime average is now up to 58.7 mpg (after 5k miles)!
Dang, did Toyota fixed the bladder system on the 06 or something? Usually it's only TX and FL owners that get 60mpg+
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Aug 6 2006, 03:06 AM) [snapback]298559[/snapback]</div> Well, I decided to change things up a little on my 05 this morning. Kept to the right lane, kept to the speed limit, decel a little going uphill (I have to drive over the mountains here to get to work). A drive that normally averages 53 was 64.6 today, with no other significant differences than my driving. We'll see how the drive home goes. -Todd
OK... What gives..? How are you guys able to record such awesome MPG's "Whats the receipe???" My best over the last 320 miles is 46.3! It's been 110 here and I don't really think I'm a wild driver... Humm...??? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(toddpalino @ Aug 7 2006, 12:16 PM) [snapback]299113[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rockmon1! @ Aug 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]299145[/snapback]</div> Don't know what to tell you. I don't really have any tricks other than watching the MFD and trying to adjust my foot based on that. Most people have to learn to use a much lighter touch on the pedals, and it's easy to do when you can see the direct relationship between gas usage and how far down your foot goes. I was saying to someone earlier that you need to make a conscious choice between "trying to get where you're going as fast as possible" and "trying to get where you're going on as little gas as possible." Once you choose the latter, you can do things like drive no more than the speed limit in the right lane and lose a little speed going uphill to keep the mpg up higher. Coasting into stops, rather than keeping your speed and then using the brakes, helps a lot as well. Of course, you also have to keep in mind what's safe for where you're driving. Driving slowly can definitely create more of a hazard sometimes. Some other things to check are the oil level (make sure it's not overfilled), the tire pressure (some recommend up to 40 PSI, but check what the rating for your tires are), and the air filter (if it hasn't been checked in a while). I also usually drive with the AC off, though with 110 degree weather that's not reasonable. But even with the AC on some afternoons here when it's been up around 100 I haven't had a significant mpg hit.
26,600 mi (odometer) 56.5 mpg (current tank) 51 mpg (lifetime) The warm weather has been good to the Prius this summer.
The 112 MPG, 1400 mile plus tank could start a new thread with a title something like: 'Prius World Records'
3rd Aug - 19th Aug Total Miles: 33124.5kms Tank Miles: 692.7km MFD Avg: 4.6L/100km Calc'd Avg: 4.86L/100km Fuel Added: 33.660 litres Price per litre: 1.109¢/litre Cost: $37.33 Avg Temp: 20°C (up to 25°C on two days)
Turned 10,000 last Friday- have driven 700 miles since , mostly on NJ turnpike. speeds 60 to 78! 2 fill ups- both 50 MPG + !
1 - 23 August Miles driven: 2137.5 Gallons fed: 53.502 MPG: 39.95 Lifetime: 2698 miles, 69.88 gallons, 38.62mpg Waaay too many 2.5-mile trips (to and from work), lots of hills. I'm also still learning how to finagle the bladder - I've had one partial tank that calculated at 65.57mpg, and one that calculated at 31.2 - both because of fueling on a slope. The three-tank rolling average runs between 37 and 42mpg. Starting 1 Sept, I'm going to take the tires to 42/40 and see what that does - right now, they're at 38/36. By the bye - the Suburban averaged 15.33mpg in its first year (ending 31 July) - we got the Prius on 14 July, and we've only put 63 miles on the Suburban since then (compared to a bit over 1600 miles per month before that (18500 miles for the year)).
August 2 - August 29 (5 fillups): Miles: 2371.9 miles Gallons: 42.075 Calculated Average: 56.37 MFD Average: 57.3 I drive 50 miles one-way for work, with 80 of it on the highway. So you'll get no complaints from me about these results! (edited 8/30 to add 5th fillup)
41.3 MFD, 42.8 calculated....at end of my second tank today! Up from 31 mpg on first tank... Finding that with all my hills and short runs...I am letting car do its electric mode when it wants, instead of trying to push for P&G when it really isn't possible....so near end of tank I went up...of course car is breaking in still.... Also, coasting down long hills with stop or light at end, I brake gently on way down instead of building up so much speed....but letting car go all yellow arrows...and then sometimes into glide....I think I'm seeing less ICE (orange arrows)... Will drive this way on my third tank..(of course using all the tips..bunching errands, tire pressures up, less AC).... But I am a happy Prius Owner, since this car may never see freeway..... terri P.S. I'm running 46.3 mpg now on Tank #3 and all with local stuff but different driving patterns... (Then a trip to Outback and back...in stop and go rainy...brought me down to 43.2...hills!) More short trips...down to 39.8 mpg.... sigh.....
Well, I just filled my Prius up for the third time this month. For August, I've consumed a total of 31.2 gallons of gas (3 fill ups). I've covered 1,957.4 miles on those three tanks. My monthly mpg now stands at 62.7! I purchased my Prius on April 7th. Since then, I've travelled 6,500 miles with a lifetime average of 59.0 mpg. The gas mileage on this car has far exceeded my expectations.
Here are my August numbers, DID ALOT OF DRIVING . (doubt I will buy any more gas in the next 3 days) MILES , GAL, MPG 248.8, 5.277, 47.1480 261.9, 4.553, 57.5225 368.1, 8.118, 45.3437 307.5, 6.134, 50.1304 270.6, 5.369, 50.4004 271.6, 5.36, 50.6716 AUG TOTAL 1728.5, 34.811, 49.6538 LIFETIME 10827.3, 230.426, 46.9882 It still seems I do better if I fill up near 1/2