Hi all, This is my first post, though I've found the comments here very helpful over the years! I have a 2007 Prius, which I'm going to be replacing with a newer one. I disabled the back up beeping not long after I got my car, but now I want to re-enable it before someone else owns it. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks so much, Marlene
1. Power on the car to IG-ON or READY. IG-ON will do for this purpose. 2. Using the Trip/ODO button, set the Trip/ODO display to ODO (not Trip A or Trip B) 3. Power off the car. 4. Now power the car to READY (brake on). This is required so that step 6 works correctly. 5. Within 6 seconds of powering on, press and hold the Trip/ODO button for 10 seconds or more (there is no indication... just count) 6. WHILE STILL HOLDING ODO *after* the 10 seconds, shift the "gear" selector to R, then press the P button. Now release the Trip/ODO button. 7. If the last step was successful, "b on" or "b off" should be displayed in the location where the Trip Odometer or Odometer is normally displayed (front dash area). "b on" is beep on (default), and "b off" is beep off. 8. Press Trip/ODO to toggle the mode. 9. Now power the car off to exit the toggle mode. 10. Power the car on to READY and confirm the reverse beep status by shifting to R. The beep should not be audible if "b off" was selected, and should be audible if "b on" was selected..
Yes, but in addition to reseting the reverse beeper, it will reset any other custom settings to their default. In addition, the Trip A and B, seatbelt warning, values on the Consumption screen, the radio station pre-sets and the window auto up/down (have I missed anything?) will be erased/reset. Some ECUs will also assume default settings after power reset and will need to relearn their settings. Sometimes this manifests as the "MPG tanking". Depending on what you care about, you may just wish to alter the one thing you want to change.
Is there a way to make all the windows one touch up or down? Mine is stock default. I kinda want the reverse beep.
I hate the Auto window feature. I like to drive with the windows down about an inch and I’m forever having dink with it to get control over where I want it to stop. It would Okay, if there was a one second hold the button up/down delay before it went into auto mode, But it seems to be instantaneous when starting from the UP position at least. I didn’t know this was a customer config feature that could be turned ON/OFF. Can it be done without dealer involvement like using the Reverse beep and seatbelt beep “chicken dance”? iPhone X ?
Just disconnect the 12v for a minute, the auto feature will go away until you accidentally engage it again by rolling up the Window and holding the button up for additional few seconds
There kinda is, When auto mode is set up, the up/down switch has two positions. You press/pull the switch about a quarter of the way and it acts like normal. Press/push the switch fully to engage the auto feature. It takes a bit of practice to not engage the auto part, but you should get there in the end. It isn't really a configurable option. It just happens that you have to initialise the auto part or you don't have it, as per JC's advice:
I just knew, if I hung around Prius Chat long enough, eventually, someday, somebody would post about trying to get the reverse beep BACK. I now can say I have lived long enough to witness that day.
Which is what I do now but its very touchy and I usually have hit the button 3-5 times before get the driver window where I want. I was hoping to disable it. All other windows I can usually in 1-2 blips of the button. I think I can handle the few seconds of holding button down or up as needed. iPhone X ?