Bought what purported to be Prime cargo bars. Part number, however, is pw30147000, not pw30147005. Apparently these are technically for a '16 Prius. Will they fit?!?
The European version of the Accessory Installation Manual (PDF) for part number PW301-47000 says it applies to the Prius (from 2015/12) and Prius Plug-in (from 2016/09). The U.S. version of the accessory installation instructions (PDF) for part number PW301-47005 says it applies to the Prius and Prius Prime. Other than being sold in different markets and having different capacity ratings, I don’t know how else the PW301-47000 and PW301-47005 might differ. I’m also not absolutely sure that the PW301-47000 would be compatible with cars built for sale in the U.S. rather than in Europe, though I think it’s likely.
Thank you very much for the info. I guess maybe the best way to solve this one is to put the sucker on the car this weekend! I will report back as soon as I can. Seems like it ought to fit -- can't imagine the roof line would be different between EU and US, but I guess you never know. It did come from a US supplier, for what it's worth.
An update: the cargo bars marked pw30147000 will fit a Prius Prime perfectly. An initial test drive yielded massive whistling at 40mph and above, then I realized there was another part in the box -- the rubber stripping that fits in a groove up top. I'm assuming that will take away most or all of the whistling!