A rose by by any other name is just a smelly dead flower in a glass of water. I can understand why some EV fanatic would look down their nose at a Prime, which if it were a ship would be a steamer with a small sail attached....but the i3 is a BEV with a 'range extender' which is more like a sailing vessel with a small auxiliary motor. So.... In the nautical world there are sailing fanatics who also look down their nose at 'stink pots' or vessels that would eschew the purity of 'wind-only' propulsion, but I have met very VERY few wise sailors who would not avail themselves of the option of an iron-sail if they can afford one.....because....defication occurs. YMMV
Stop that, why is it people get defensive and start lashing out at people? No one is “looking down their noses” at others. The nomenclature I am used to, and I believe most others are, is the following. HV: A Hybrid Vehicle which uses a battery to assist in motive power. PHEV: A Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicle, has a larger battery and a plug to charge the batteries directly. BEV: A Battery Electric Vehicle, which uses no gasoline and has a plug to charge the batteries. FCEV: A Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle which converts hydrogen to electricity via a fuel cell. Typically also includes a battery. EV: General all inclusive term which includes BEVs, PHEVs, FCEVs and with some definitions HVs.
Per the Prius glossary, you would be correct. PriusChat Glossary | PriusChat The terms are easy to mix up, context will usually make it clear.
You might want to educate yourself about the definition of electric vehicles. The BMW i3 can be purchased as either a BEV (powered only by batteries) or as a PHEV (powered by both batteries and/or ICE). Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV): A plug-in hybrid uses its electric motor to power all aspects of propulsion. The vehicle will continue to use the electric motor until battery levels reach a predetermined battery state of charge (SOC). At this SOC level, the vehicle enters into a charge sustaining mode. The internal combustion engine, in some cases acting as a generator, then kicks in to supply power to the electric motor. A plug-in hybrid is essentially an electric vehicle that can call on gasoline to extend its range. While in charge depleting mode, the main fuel source for PHEVs is electricity since they used stored energy that was sourced from the electricity grid. While PHEVs also take advantage of regenerative braking, the energy captured is not enough to sustain the electric motor as the main driving system.
My humble apologies if I stepped on anybody's toes. I was merely pointing out that I personally consider the i3 to be primarily a BEV with an ice as a 'range extender' I wade into discussions like these as a non BEV owner so that I CAN educate myself about them so that one day.....IF somebody ever produces a BEV that I can use myself at a price that I am willing to pay (<35K) then I will not be befuddled by all of the key words and tricky phrases.... I defend my sailing vessel analogy thusly: i3 primary power source is electricity. Prius/Prime primary power source in most cases is usually gasoline, although some in dense urban environs may use the battery more efficiently than others....but our differences in opinion are more about FUNCTION rather than dictionary terms. Again. YMMV
Your befuddlement will only end (and self-education begin) when your price range is reached? Sounds a bit self-centered and scapegoatish to me.
The Smart BEV (sold by MBZ (that would be Mercedes Benz key word)) Should fit the bill. That price point should end all your befuddlement. My daughter was able to lease a Fiat 500e BEV last year on a a 3 year lease for $50 per month. Fiat couldn't sell these cars for around $40K so they had to give them away in money losing leases to protect their function as a compliance car. My daughter was not befuddled by the EV terminology either before or after executing her lease. She is quite happy with the car for what it is (80 mile range), but she is also purchasing a Tesla model 3.
The Bolt BEV starts at $37,495 (much less expensive than the BMW i3 REx). Here in California with all applicable credits and rebates it would net for ~$27,000 (plus tax, lic, and dest (that would be tax, license, and destination charges)). So @ETC(SS) can end all his befuddlement if he chooses.
Hope your daughter is on the waiting list for a model 3, by the time her lease expires she may see her new Model 3. How does she like 500e. I was looking at used ones last year. You can buy them used for $10k with less then 20k miles on them.
quirk chevy is showing 7k off an lt, less 7.5k tax credit = $23,000. lease for $2,500. down and $235./mo. for 36 months.
I hope this is not really how the front of the Y model looks like. Or people will be asking Y? Elon Musk Confirms Tesla Model Y Debut Date
There isn't any waiting list for the Long Range version of the model 3. She will be getting her model 3 this August. If you want to order one now, you will get it in November. So no, you are incorrect, again. She likes the 500e fine for commuting to work as Director of Transportation for an institution with 50K constituents. It is also fine as a grocery getter (easy to park). She is happy to be in a lease because there is no resale market for them and she needs something with longer range. She is test driving a Model S as I post this. The first picture in the linked article is an unaffiliated artist's rendering, a WAG, of what he thinks the model Y might look like. The second picture is a Tesla rendering that was presented to the shareholders a couple of months ago. Be prepared for another 500K pre-orders at the reveal.
And be prepared for a long build time. Why is she considering an S? Thought the 3 Model is worth the wait.
The model 3 was 15 months from reveal to first production. I expect the model Y will be about 6 to 9 months. She is not considering a Model S. She just needs a Tesla fix and also do some advance homework on the Tesla proprietary systems.
No way I'm ever leasing. Right now Volts are going for about 30K OTD and Bolts are few thou more at something like 32k. This is in flyover country where gas is still less than $2.50 (I paid $2.40 this AM) and the nearest HOV lane is in Nashville. I'll stay put for now because my current commute is about 3 miles (may soon change drastically) and my current car payments are all $0.....and I'm concentrating on making my house payment go away. So, yeah. For right now I'm still without skin in the game....
i'm staying put for now as well, but i'm currently 90% ev in the pip. and we get another $2,500. ma tax credit, so bolt would be $20,500. here, about the same as 2017 prime was before they ran out.