My 2016 Three Touring was rear-ended at low speed. The only damage seems to be a broken clip for COVER, REAR BODY FLOOR (Toyota Part No.: 66259-47010). It's a black plastic part with a white sleeve. It screws like a nut into a machine screw sticking down from the body just behind the rear bumper. I searched for part 66259-47010 but could not find any information on how it is secured to the body. Thanks a lot.
Sorry about your trouble. I saved this link a while back and they have pretty detailed parts on this site that you should be able to figure out what it is and then search the internet for the cheapest dealer selling the part (good luck): OEM 2016 Toyota Prius Three 1.8L L4 - Electric/Gas Parts - Olathe Toyota Parts Center Someone with a toyota tech site login (or you can join for $15 for two days) might be able to give you better info.
Sadly, no: that site doesn’t have parts catalog information. The Repair Manual and New Car Features books available there are quite useful, but they have only basic Parts Location diagrams without part numbers. Toyota does have a free Electronic Parts Catalog at If you search for 66259-47010 and follow enough links, eventually you’ll get to Figure 58-01, Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel, which lists that part number under Part Name Code (PNC) 58167E, towards the lower right of the first of the two images. Having found the cover, we can look for its clips, which come in two parts: PNC 58167F, part number 90467-17026-A0, is the white housing (page in Japanese), and PNC 58167G, part number 90467-17027-C0, is the black insert (page in Japanese).
robsnyder20, kithmo, thank you for your help. CooCooCaChoo, unfortunately the guy ran away. Yes it's a hit-and-run on highway. Highway patrol stopped by after I called 911. The officer took a look and said since there is no obvious damage, it's a waste of time to try to catch the guy. He said this happens a lot actually. Elektroingenieur, you are freaking amazing. Thank you so much for helping out. I will call nearby dealership and see if they have the parts.
Just for closure. Went to the dealership and got both parts for 7 bucks (dealer markup is insane). Installed in 10 minutes. Thanks again, Elektroingenieur.