probably taxachusetts. he was here for 4 hours today and coming back tomorrow. crawling over every inch of the house with stalest mesh at the ready. they claim 100% success. we'll see.
i've been doing that for 14 years. two years ago, i took out 50 mice, called an exterminator, and he put poison in the basement and garage. 200 bucks, but all that does is kill them after they get in like the snap traps, so i'm still hauling corpses out. hoping this will solve the problem once and for all, but i guess it is better than getting them in your prius, makes $850. sound cheap.
If you keep em out, they’ll go elsewhere. But where is elsewhere ? I took about 20 last year and this year there are fewer. The rains last year flooded the drainage systems, and brought em out. Thankfully the snap traps were there .
the cold drives them in here. we don't notice them in the summer, but the mouse whisperer claimed he could here them in the walls.