Any favorite car washes in OC? Any Free? About 2 months after we got the Prius, we had it done by Steve's Detailing and it really helped with the bugs on an Tucson trip- they just washed off, not having to scrub off. Any favorite car wash soap? For the do it yourselfers! Cathy
My favorite car wash in orange county is mine in my drive way. I'm not letting anyone touch it unlesss that person is me! :lol: :wink: 8)
I wish I had the luxary of having access to a faucet in my condo complex. Closes I get to my driveway is a drive-thru do-it-yourself wash center which usually eats about $4-5 in quarters
As you probably know you can't run it through a car wash unless you have someone in the car and the transmission is in neutral. The car wash at Beach and Garfield in Huntington beach will do a bucket wash. They take it along side the car wash and wash it by hand. They charge $3.00 more for this So far I haven't found any other car wash places that will do a bucket wash. Al Tollhousepop
Al, I've been using that same car wash, didn't know they would do the "bucket" wash. They've had no problem leaving the care in neutral and running it through without a driver. The first time I tried them I was a little concerned, they told me they do a lot of Toytas, since the dealership is just a block up the street. And everyone has known how to drive it. I can't say that about everyone at the Toyota dealership.
I take mine to Beacon Bay Car Wash in by Fashion Island(right by Edwards Big Newport Theater), There is a fellow there who knows how to drive the car and leave it in neurtral through the car wash.
so the engine is "running" when you have it in neutral? Is there any way to turn off the car and leave it in neutral?
I beleive the car is still in the "on" mode when they run it through the car wash..........I havn't tried to put the car into nuetral while not on, maybe others may know of a way.