It began with Volkswagen, spread to few more and now it's Nissan in the firing line! I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Nissan admits falsifying emissions tests in Japan -
but it does make me think twice about the new leaf, especially on top of leaf 1 problems and leaf 2 complaints. it is a shame because they have tried to be ev leader, and you want to support that.
The Leaf is the Honda Insight of the BEV world - even without the current Q/A problems. This is a shame indeed....because there ARE urbanites out there somewhere (I suppose) who could leverage the Leaf's impossible to find $29,999 price and 150 mile range into something approaching a daily driver. Nissan also (finally!) did emergency cosmetic surgery on the car turning it into something approaching whatever passes for a normal car these days......
that's what i was thinking, but i like the g2 much better. if this news proves out, i'll stick with toyota until they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Let me know when you sell the Pip. I let @bwilson4web sell his G3 to somebody else on the cheap......and I might not make that mistake again when the last of the pips get to be teenagers......
don't do it! You've been warned. When your capacity goes down faster than streetwalkers on Hollywood Boulevard, I will laugh at you. Loudly. At least us buyers prior to the 1st summer of 2011 are innocent. Our trust & faith came out of ignorance & hoping Nissan was up front about their product. Everyone else simply has to check the facts.