Hey all, About 6 months ago or so I cut out a filter for the HV fan to prevent dog hair based on a recommendation here when I replaced by HV battery. Yesterday I started to hear a high pitch wine from the back seat and sure enough, the filter got sucked inwards towards the fan. I've seen the videos before on how to clean that fan and it looks slightly beyond my skillset but curious what to do. Try myself or take it in? I've done some DIY on this car before like changing out the headlights....which was a beast of a task cause I then dropped the pin but I got it done. Is there a video that rules them all in terms of ease of following it and if I take that fan off, I assume that little filter would be reachable I hope. Thoughts on this? I had that filter in there really tight so Im surprised it got sucked in. Definitely will not be doing that again despite having a golden retriever or it'll be secured far better. Any advice/guidance? Thanks, Josh
Look at some videos on YouTube regarding hv battery replacement for reference. To get to the fan, you just have to disassemble the right rear half. Remove everything out of the trunk to start. You basically need a 10mm socket and possibly a 12mm socket to remove everything on the right side. The rear seat cushion can be removed for easier access. I think this is only a 5 minute disassembly task
Thanks JC! Got all the tools needed to get it done. I did look at a couple videos prior to posting but will keep looking! I did find that the rear seat doesn't technically need to be taken off so thats saving a bit of time. Here is that link for anyone else in the same boat attempting to follow along. Unnessary to remove back seat for battery cooling fan cleaning | PriusChat I think this link is what I'm going to try and follow along with How to Clean the Battery Cooling Fan in a 2004-2009 Toyota Prius | AxleAddict My problem is I forget where stuff needs to go back so this will definitely likely be an hour + task for me but definitely worth avoiding the trip to mechanic if I can avoid it. I noticed one video removed a clip from the HV battery, but Im not seeing that in other walk throughs so thinking that is optional. I see in the link above its possible to get error codes after installing the fan back on if you dont follow proper steps. Any tips on that or just make sure I plug it back in before mounting it back on? Thanks!
I'm still unsure where this filter you mentioned can go, but if it got sucked in, it can only be in the tube going to the fan. The tube is held in by 3 clips, these clips have a center dimple that you push in, that releases the clip. When you get to the fan, there are 3 10mm nuts holding that in place. You can detach the wiring harness if you need to remove it. Most times you can clean out hair without removing the fan.
Good to know on the tube and cleaning without removing. Here is a pic of what it looks like and that filter was in there perfectly and its not small either but it somehow got sucked in.Possible then to get to tube without removing fan?
That filter is doing more harm than good, it looks like it's restricting airflow, like dog hair. I would get rid of that filter and clean the fan every year. Once you've done it once, you'll see how easy it can be. You need to disassemble the rear end and get to the filter that's sucked in. Remove that and you should be fine. I think just removing the tube will get you the result you need, fan will be visible.
I first put a piece of vacuum motor filter on ours, a coarse meshy material, about 1/4" thick. Then started thinking about flow restriction, and switched to a piece of residential window screen, much more open. Also check it's appearance every so often. And yeah, dig down to and clean the fan once in a while.
Thanks JC, I don't see any videos for removing tube alone but guessing it should be relatively easy enough to follow along other videos on cleaning fan to get access to the tube?
I've never heard of it, but it's a custom mold. I'll ask the previous owner and see where they got it. They are a member on here Maybe it's an oem filter from Toyota. I've seen people getting charged for a filter from Toyota when they get their battery replaced
Nice filter. But it's not Toyota / OEM. The company is called Genuine. So anything they make / sell is "Genuine". Cute. Genuine Hybrid Battery Air Filter 08 2008 Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Air Filter - Body Electrical - Genuine - PartsGeek
Hey all, Got it done this afternoon, it really was easier than I thought. It was also somewhat necessity in getting that filter out, cause it needed to go! Provided pics that the filter got stuck right in the fan Also happen to see a ton of corrosion on my negative terminal on 12v battery so took care of that as well. Thanks for the confidence here! Cheers
You did a thorough cleaning!! I don't think your fan is dirty, the picture shows the fins nice and clean. If your 12v is over 6 years old, you should just replace it. Corrosion on the 12v usually means it's on it's last leg and need to get replaced.
Ya really wasn’t too dirty but I did take it all the way and clean pretty good. There was dog hair in there but not a lot. Will prb still want to get that filter you got!