My name's Shaun, I'm from Vancouver and live in TX. I have a '12 v w/ 155k mi. I'm an ex industrial diesel mech, current mech eng, and do subsea construction. I have considerable experience working on BMWs (because they are always broken). In addition to the v, I have an '01 BMW wagon w/ a M54B30 swap, and a 500HP '05 F350 crew cab 4x4. I have some questions.
I think he's gone under again! Not seen for a couple of days now.... Better not hold your breath yet.
battery ? Had a 2005 Prius loved, bought 2008 rebuillt from Prius Doctor-he lied about many things but bottom line had 3 blowouts in 3 weeks, third causing car to do 2 360s on turnpike, minor front end no engine damage. Use van for work so car has been in garage for 18 months. Ready to get on road and mechanic is nervous about hybrid batteries sitting that long. Any advice?
Welcome Shaun! I love the image of a Canadian tunneling out with a 500HP '05 F350 crew cab 4x4 and working in Texasass, btw.... Talk about a stranger in a strange land!! Stay away from the shooting ranges, or you'll never want to go back north of 49! What are your questions?
Ouch! Hope you're ok after that . It must have been scary. I'll hold off on the battery question as I'm no expert, but it all depends on the state of charge that's left after so long. Fingers crossed, huh!
From what I have read the newer Prii will do better as far as long term battery storeage goes, they don't drain very fast. The old ones not so much.