I have a 2012 Prius-C with 190,000 miles on it. It's been a wonderful vehicle and never had a wrench turned on it. I have been noticing lately that when I'm moving down the road and take my foot of the gas pedal to brake, the gas engine sounds like it revs up some. It doesn't do it 100%% of the time but it does it often. Anyone have any ideas what it could be?
Mine does it also, but I seem to notice it more often now in the summer months with the A/C running, or the battery is in a low state of charge. I'm guessing your like me and running the A/C full blast? Nothing wrong with running the A/C however in a Prius - that cool air is used to help keep the HV battery cool.
My "new" '17 even does it. Seems like sometimes it has trouble figuring out exactly what drive mode to use. BUT......an increase in "funky" behavior that lasts can be a sign that the HV battery is getting weak.
Yes, I'm running that air on full blast and have noticed at times it doesn't cool well. Thanks. I had a 2007 full size Prius and the batteries didn't go out until about 225,000 miles. I put the new after market batteries in it and my daughter drove it another 120,000 miles before she traded it. I've been watching the battery display on the Eco Mode screen and notice the charge falls and builds back much quicker than it used to. This tells me that at some point soon, I will have to make that decision again about Toyota batteries or after market. Thanks. Now that you point that out, that is when it seems to happen.