For what it is worth......mine lasted less than 2 years. Died just dead....left me stranded Purchased oreilly auto Matt. Battery replacement. $189,00 yikes Just my 2 cents
I wonder why the yellow top died, for example, I had a yellow top on a horse trailer, over a two year period it mushroomed into a large mass and died, turns out it was constantly being over charged, optima just laughed and hung up the phone, their public relations is abysmal, but they have the only product of its kind, I bought another, (and sold the trailer), anyway, it’s possible the battery was a dud, or were there other reasons. I’d be tempted to let a Toyota “tech-stream” check the system.
Warranty is 3 years. I bought from Amazon,,,local dealers will not warranty. Just so everyone knows for the future. Not worth the hassel of going thru Amazon
Looks like you bought their marketing hype hook, line and sinker. Just because it is different does NOT also automatically mean that it is better. The only really significant difference is the shape.......which adds nothing functionally.
What's the replacement? Is there a Bosch replacement battery for second gen? Pep Boys is selling one for third gen, goes on sale for under $150 occasionally. $189 doesn't seem too "yikes" to me. As to why it lasted less than 2 years: what's your driving like? Is it a daily driver? Or sits around sometimes? Any "incidents", say lights left on, door ajar? How do you monitor it? Do you have a multimeter? (Electronic load tester is even better, a bit pricey though.) Ever charge it? What charger?
Yes, it is the same battery (for Gen 2 SKS models) on sale thru 7/31 for ~$151 US. If you have a base model, you would need to replace the tray with the larger one (noted in the description. You would also have to do this for the Optima.) Bosch Premium Performance Battery Group, Size 51 (Edited: does not allow direct links)
The problem is we do not know if this battery issue or car issue. Gen2 has quite slow recharge rate for 12v battery, so if the charge gets low then long trip needed to recharge. Also Gen2 has the issue of batt drain via the SKS smart key system, which can be bad news for a car sitting for long periods. Is Amazon giving bad reviews? I just put in a new Yellow Top after 7 years on the old one. The old one stranded me but thankfully only as far away at the local elementary school. The next day we had the inverter water pump go out on I495 DC Beltway. Two strandings in one June week.
What is a "deep cell" ? If you mean "deep cycle", what exactly makes you think that is in any way desirable in a Prius ?? Answer: It isn't.
IIRC, awhile back there was a big blow-up on PC about how the Optima production was shifted and there was concern about quality control since that happened. Maybe I dreamed it, but that is what I remember. Lots of concern for a bit. Myself, I agree with Sam. If I could figure out how to do it, probably a few D cell batts would work for the Prius. J/K. kris (who needs a jumpstart herself).