Sorry for the delay in the responses. Thank you all for your wishes! A few weeks after the accident I went on a 3 or 4 hour hike and jokingly told everyone that my feet and legs felt worse after the hike than after the accident! The Prius performed excellent during the crash. Seat belt worked perfectly since there was 4 or 5 seconds of "hang time" for it to pretension the seat belt. I felt nothing when I hit the guardrail and the seat hugged me completely. Here are some responses to FAQ 1. CA-237 eastbound always has a slowdown around that area by 4:00PM. 2. He was probably texting and driving. My insurance is farmers and they do not offer any full vehicle replacements. My 2016 Prius was only 1 and 1/2 years old. The other guy also had farmers so I felt my car insurance company did not have my best interests at heart. They originally appraised my 2016 Prius Four Touring with 24,600 miles at $22,300. Which was way too low. I made them wait and provided extra proof after 1 and 1/2 weeks and they reevaluated the car at ~$24,600 not including tax, license, and other benefits. In hindsight I should have pushed for more but it is okay. But because of our existing principle on the vehicle remaining, I will only receive about ~$8,000 back. Lesson learned and having a vehicle totaled is not fun at all. We lose the car and have to purchase another vehicle and pay the difference. The car was appraised as a total loss. Total cost of repair totaled more than $25,000 dollars before interior or mechanical inspection. I use a street guardian in the front. Street guardian is one of the best cameras in my opinion right now. They offer a sleek design that conforms with the slope of the Prius and matches the Toyota's safety sense system equipment. If installed right, it looks like it is apart of the car. I run the cables along the edges of the headliner, vehicle A-pillar, between the dash & door water seal, and underneath the floor mats to both cigarette lighters. The rear camera sticks out and is attached to the glass on the rear hatch. I run the cables similarly along the edges and behind the rear seat lock. I leave some slack on the cable between the headliner to rear hatch so that I can open the rear hatch with camera attached. I will post pics of the setup soon. I do not run the wires inside the A-Pillar airbag cover. Some people like to hide the wires, however I do not know if it will impede airbag deployment, so I leave the wires visible. (Front Camera) Amazon link to Street Guardian I use an older one. But they are essentially the same. This model is heat resistant and has an anti-glare filter updated due to consumer requests. This camera is by far excellent and has great consumer support. (Rear Camera) Amazon link to Transcend DrivePro 200 This is a 2015 design and was my front dash camera prior to the street guardian. This is now my rear dash camera. You can see an example of the quality in the front from another video of mine. Here is the link (motorcycle vs car). I used to use a cheap $40 to $80 dollar blackbox g1w, but it is horrible. The cheaper dash cameras usually have heat issues and will constantly reboot or not work when in direct sunlight. I used to have to blast the A/C in order to keep that one running. The street guardian is hands down the best purchase I ever made. I love it so much I purchased and installed them in all my parents' and families' vehicles. In the event of an accident I want them to just worry about getting off the road safely and getting home. In a front to front vehicle collision, I don't want them to panic. With the video, it will be a no brainer who is at fault.
Thx for the info! I will probably go this route. Are these things easy to wire in a pleasing manner ( i..e - no wires showing )? Thanks!
Any reason not to get the street guardian package that comes with the rear camera as well? I see they offer them.
I purchased the front camera setup before they offered any dual rear camera setups. The prius and prius prime both come with two 12 volt accessory outlets. I use both of those to power the front and rear cameras. The dual camera setup by street guardian looks to be more efficient only requiring a single 12 volt outlet.
I mentioned previously that I do not hide the wires. You could squeeze the wires into the headliner and through the A-Pillar. However they don't fit perfectly. I do not hide the wires through the A-Pillar as I do not know if it will impede the deployment of the side airbags. When you do put a gap into the A-Pillar, you can see that the cover bulges out a bit and that may or may not hinder the clips from properly deploying the airbags. The street guardian looks very stealthy. My older transcend camera sticks out and looks out of date.
It looks like you got a new Prius, is that Prime Advanced or is it a Four Touring in the pictures above?
Judging by the photos, it's a Prime Advanced. (HUD plus CF hatchback and the dip in the plastic frame denoting the dual wave rear window)
this is exactly why I insisted on having a dual-channel blackvue set up in the better half's model X. Even in a rear-ender like that, you never know if it's going to become one of those, "he-said-she-said" scenarios, & try to say you backed into them .... much less one of those fake insurance fraud scammers complete with their own witness. .
I'm glad that both of you were uninjured, and wish you all the best with the new G4! Great real-world review of the camera!!!
Dang, that sucks. I'm glad you're ok and thank goodness for the advances in steel and safety tech. There are idiots that drift out of their lane all the time on my drive. I think you've convinced me to get a dash cam of my own.