I've had a pump noise in the driver side engine compartment for a while and I have read up on it and thought it was the inverter coolant pump. Here is a video (not mine) of the same exact noise. Please go to the 50 second mark to hear the noise: Is this the inverter coolant pump? I do have turbulence in the reservoir so the pump is still working. Local shop will replace it and put new coolant in for $350.
The failing part is not an inverter pump, it's the 3 way coolant valve. You should have code P1121 when if fails, you'll also get a check engine light. If the shop you went to diagnosed it as an inverter pump failure....you should RUN There's no need to get it done in advance, your car won't break down when if fails, just get the check engine light for emissions
Easy to check for failing Inverter coolant pump. Open the coolant reservoir for inverter coolant with Ignition on. You should see coolant movement. If it is not, then needs to replace the pump. Also it will threw a code with big read triangle when it fails and can't cool the inverter coolant.