My dealership says they have no ETA on parts. I went in months ago and status never changes. Just trying to see if anyone has gotten it done. I have a 2010 Prius 3, if it matters.
Wow, I forgot about that! I received the recall AFTER I replaced the bulbs! I will have to check it out next week. Thanks!
Forgot as in never went to dealer at all to get it addressed, or forgot as in you're also waiting and it's been months, like me.
I had forgot about the recall. It needs to be done by December this year I believe. I need to call Toyota and see if they have the part and when they can do it and how long it will take. I'd rather they give me the part and I'll replace it myself. Then I'll know it's done correctly.
I did it. Wasn't there for it, but was told they needed 2 hours, and replaced both bulbs and some wiring. Been a couple months and no burned out light bulbs. They were insistent to not call it a recall, but a warranty service...
Thanks, now I have an idea. It's probably a 20 minute job. I've worked at dealerships... Both my bulbs are only a month or so old/young. I'm not sure if my Prius has a wiring problem as I don't drive much at night anymore.
The problem is the voltage the bulb sees. Since the Prius 12v circuit runs at about 14 volts, it fry’s the bulb sooner than it should. Pretty sure they just install a wire to drop the voltage to the bulb for the “warranty service”.
Hmm, perhaps not, but the measurements have been made of the headlight voltage before the fix, and the headlight current at that voltage, and the voltage drop of the repair harness at that current, so if you buy Kirchhoff's laws, you're not missing anything you need.... -Chap