Bob, this is unlike you. You know those are US deliveries, not production. Tesla had over 11,000 in transit at the end of the month.
I'm OK with criticisms for those who cite their sources . . . like I do. Please don't pull numbers from unknown sources. Within a couple of weeks, Elon will again insult the 'investors' in the quarterly review. Sad to say, we have to wait a year for the stockholder meeting. I stand by my earlier speculation that Tesla probably held back inventory to avoid busting the 200,000 trigger. They sandbagged the June numbers giving their customers the maximum tax credit benefit. Bob Wilson
Tesla very well may have sandbagged the deliveries to stay under 200,000. The point is, your source reports U.S. deliveries of cars, not production. Those are two very different things. Apologies for not citing my source. I follow Tesla closer than others and sometimes take it for granted that these numbers are commonly known. Tesla Q2 2018 Vehicle Production and Deliveries | Tesla, Inc.
Second quarter report date has not been set yet. Typically is is about 5-6 weeks into the quarter. First or second week of August would be my guess.
does elon usually provide monthly numbers that match up pretty well, or do you really need the report?
Sheesh ... Who would have ever thought, that a startup company, in an industry that it's impossible to start up in now days, would create so much Hub bub, by creating US jobs, and Making US products, & either meeting or nearly meeting or technically meeting its goals. People didn't hardly seem get their shorts this bunched up when Saddam Hussein started attacking his neighbors. .
To my knowledge, they match up almost exactly. The statements posted to the investor relations portal are about as official as you can get. I’d rely on those before I rely InsideEVs or another third party site. And definitely before some reporters looking for a scoop
Come on now, that is uncalled for. And frankly, Elon did turn the last quarterly call into a bit of a circus.
Saying, "Within a couple of weeks, Elon will again insult the 'investors' in the quarterly review." is uncalled for and turns this forum into a bit of a circus. @bwilson4web got caught misstating the statistics and so he attacks Elon.
Granted, that snide comment was uncalled for as well. But it wasn’t without basis, Elon did, in the last call, hang up on a couple of them. Not without cause, but as CEO, he needs to handle that better. Which, he has already apologized for. As for ‘misstating the statistics’, Bob has a very long history here, and a well deserved rep as a straight shooter. I would sooner attribute it to a simple slip of the ‘tongue’ than maliciousness. Either that, or he left his browser logged in and someone else is posting as him
And you didn't call him out for it until I called you out for it. Does @bwilson4web speak for all investors? Does he hold a position in TSLA as an investor? If he holds a position in TSLA, is it a short position? If he holds a position in TSLA and he was insulted, he should speak for himself not all investors. If he doesn't hold a position in TSLA. then he shouldn't speak for any investors. Admittedly, I have one of the shorter histories here, but it is not inconsequential. Sometimes long histories lead to hubris. Bob had an opportunity to admit his mistake, and we could have moved on, but he didn't. Instead he tried to deflect and double down and attack Elon. That is not indicative of a well deserved rep as a straight shooter.
I try to let most comments slide. Yours, to me, crossed into a personal attack. His, to me, simply seemed misunderstood. Where you apparently read “all investors” Bob was referring to a situation in which Elon insulted a couple of investors. However, he didn’t do a good job wordsmithing, and it could come across as “all”. Listen, I get being defensive about Tesla. I have been dealing with FUD about Tesla on various forums for 10 years. The thing is, you are lashing out wildly, even at people that are pro Tesla, or neutral. I’ve seen many people come and go on forums. Some of the funniest cases are to go back 5, 7 or 10 years and read what people were saying then. Most of those naysayers are gone. But a very, very few admit their mistakes. Prius chat has its trolls, but they have some of the best quality, even headed posters as well. Just don’t be so quick to fire your cannons
I enjoy the irony that GM copied a Tesla practice of doing only quarterly reports. I prefer a monthly report like Toyota does but I sympathize with a desire to avoid a monthly 'show.' As for Tesla stocks, I have no interest as my 401k funds went into US Treasuries with the new administration. Before they were in funds that specialized in off-shore investments so there were some Toyota stocks in one fund and EU car maker stocks in another. But those ended between November 2016 and January 2017. Check your own 401k funds to see where your money is kept. Tesla cars have no appeal because they lack a range extender engine. Our BMW i3-REx and Prius Prime have given ~30,000 EV-cheap miles around town. Outside of town, the gas engines have provided just under 4,000 gas miles. The gas engines provide more than SuperCharger capacity, flexibility, and range. Yet I can appreciate the Tesla technology and those who deal with their challenges. GOOD ON THEM! Retired, I remember bosses who were accused of yelling like Elon Musk yet I enjoyed working with them. By keeping them informed about the technical problem(s) I was working on and what I was doing, they would not bother me and even provide resources when needed. Yet there were other co-workers who would spit at their shadow. The funny thing is these critics often seemed under committed and weak performers. Dick Hicks was a GE manager who was known to make sure he was heard in progress reports: "Are your eyes naturally brown or are you full of 'fecal matter'?" After a month of 90% software progress, "Ninety percent is not good enough! It is perfect! Ship it." I loved working for Dick Hicks because he did not suffer fools gladly. If you are committed to the mission, a Dick Hicks is exactly the manager to have. Bob Wilson
Well the honeymoon is over for Norwegians! Norwegians are increasing becoming unhappy with Tesla. Tesla ranked fourth on a list of companies the Norwegian Consumer Council received the most complaints about in the first half of this year. Tesla is growing too fast. As I have said before they need to restructure management and focus on two vehicles only.
Well you could certainly say my current manager does not suffer fools gladly, and I do generally enjoy working for him except on the rare occasions when I do something foolish On the other hand, I do remember years ago a different manager who was himself a fool. He yelled at an engineer for letting his project schedule slip, after that engineer had spent the entire weekend in the office working on some emergency issue that the manager had assigned him. The manager's position was that the emergency, even though it was higher priority than the regular project, wasn't sufficient reason to let the schedule slip. Now, "yell" is a bit of an understatement. The situation deteriorated to both of them standing and literally yelling at each other, and it seemed as if fists would start flying next.