Prius lost to a dump truck. The dump truck driver was stopped in the left turning lane and I was stopped at a traffic light immediately to his right. All of a sudden he decides to make a right turn and his rear right tires ripped across the front of my Prius! Amazingly the car still drives (luckily I carry large zip ties) and the damage appears to be superficial. However, a friend of mine recently had his Prius totalled with far less damage - it was slightly older and more miles though! I've babied this car and really do not think I can get an equivalent car for the money that I'd likely receive if its written off. It has just over 80k miles and is in great condition. My main worry as far as functionality is concerned is the coolant heat storage tank is dented - this part alone is almost $1k new. However, I cannot see any leaks and it is still firmly attached to the maybe it can be left as is. Here are some pics...
With that much weight, it seems likely to me that something hidden got seriously bent and will show up in the body shop. Given the car's age, I think it's likely to be a total even though it doesn't look all that serious. I'm glad you're OK. Years ago my wife saw someone run a red light while making a left turn back in Colorado. A cement truck couldn't avoid it and drove directly over the front seats of the car. Both seats were occupied. You can imagine the results. I recently saw a semi make a left turn on a red light from the right turn lane across three lanes of 50 mph traffic. Thankfully, everyone got stopped in time.
If you can document the extraordinary care you've given your Prius, you should be able to negotiate a higher-than-normal settlement from the insurance company. Try to find a similar car in excellent condition for sale in your area so you can use its selling price as a basis for your negotiation. You might even be able to buy the car back from them with a salvage title for a minimal amount after they total it. Negotiate this only after you negotiate the initial settlement, though, or they'll try to use the buy-back as leverage to lower the settlement.
Good advice. I just got back from getting two quotes - Incredibly they were both almost identical at just under $5500. When the truck driver's insurance assessor contacts me, should I tell them I've received these quotes? Here's a thought, if they agree to this figure, can I request that they send me the check directly or will they need to directly pay the collision shop...or does it depend on the insurance? If they're willing to simply send me a check for the estimated amount (which is really a minimum a/c to the assessors), then I would be willing to tackle the repair with a friend who has some body work experience. Its risky, but I'd take a shot - I'd rather go this route than have the car written off. Then I'd hope the money I'd save would offset the increased risk of not having the vehicle repaired by a reputable body shop..what do you guys think? I'd prefer not to go through the ordeal of getting a salvage title.
Does anything look like its missing from the front of the radiator? Anyone got a picture of a 2nd gen Prius with front bumper/grill removed?
Best of luck working this out. I had a semi truck do the same thing to me one time on a road wide enough for two combines w/ headers to pass each other. The municipal judge(my eye doctor at the time) put me at fault saying the state saw it as a two lane road though people drove it like it was eight! Such was life in a one stoplight town...
Sorry, no. Only took a couple of photos. I wasn't nimble fingered enough to change out the headlight bulbs without going the long route and removing fender well liners and the front bumper. Wasn't that difficult but a lot of fasteners!
Collisions can be scary, especially afterward rethinking it. Glad you're ok. As for insurance, a total loss will be considered if the "cost of repairs" approaches the "insured value" of the vehicle. If that is what you want, find a body shop or mechanic that can assess damage and put together a quotation for repairs, as needed. If you tell them what your intentions are, they usually know how to play the game better than you or I. Keep in mind, they make more money with repairs than just writing up a quote, so best to be open and honest with someone you have some trust with. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That's what I'm hoping. Still would be a risk for me as there may be more extensive damage that I'm unable to see - I don't think that's the case though, so I would be willing to roll the dice. I just got off the phone with the truck driver's insurance and told them of the two quotes I received. They are still going to get their assessor to examine the car which I'm assuming is standard practice. If they agree to cover the damage and not write off, when and how should I ask if it is possible to pay me direct instead of them paying the body shop?
They are suppose to pay you unless you designate a body shop to take the funds. If there's additional damage that's discovered later, the insurance company should pay you for that additional damage. They also will pay for diminished value of the car if you put a claim in for that. That's separate from the repair cost. Your car also will not have a salvage title, it'll only get that if the insurance company totals your car. Of course you will have the option to buy the salvage car back.......
It's my understanding that if I get the payment directly (and use the funds to do the repairs myself), I would not be able to claim for any damage that is discovered later. I've heard about that diminished value, perhaps I can negotiate with the insurance - but I don't want them to get to the point that they decide to rather write it off. I'd also prefer not to go through the salvage title process.
You have to do a little more research on the "additional damage" question. Maybe you can ask the insurance company directly. As for the diminished value, you would put this claim in AFTER receiving your funds for the damage
Well its official. Insurance has decided to total the car. However, I think they have offered a reasonable settlement. They will be giving me $7k and I get to keep the salvaged Prius. The salvage value was around $1200. There may be some hidden damage, but for this amount, I'll roll the dice. If I can successfully get it approved to drive, I'll just drive it until it dies so I'm not concerned with a salvage title impacting its retail value. Absolute worst case scenario, I'll buy another 2009 and keep it for spare parts. Anyone have experience getting a salvaged car back on the road in Georgia?
Thanks, Anyone have any guesses if the coolant heat storage tank is likely compromised by the dents (I've got no clue about the internal structure of this tank). Its definitely not leaking and I've driven it about 50 miles in Georgia heat without any codes popping up. I'm assuming if there were any issues with the tank or the pump I would have seen a code.
That tank was removed in 3rd gen. Yes that would throw a code if there's an issue. So you got around $8200 and paid $1200 for the car?