I just got the V3 CAN-view from Norm before he went on vacation (http://www.hybridinterfaces.ca/). The basic installation was straightforward and it is working well (except I am waiting for the programming cable to update the software), but I couldn't find good instructions for installing the EV mode connector. It is a short wire with a DB-9 connector. From looking at instructions for installing EV mode buttons I gather I have to do something like the following: Get an unused connector pin from behind the steering wheel and solder the wire to it. Locate HV ECU and remove lower plug, and push connector pin into the plug. Finally I use a DB-9 extension cord to connect the DB-9 connector to the CAN-VIEW unit. Has anyone done this installation? Is this the right way to do it? Any further suggestions? Thanks, stephen
I guess I am one of the first people to do this! I tried the procedure I outlined in the previous message and it worked! It was all straightforward except for putting the wire in the connector pin and the connector pin in the plug. I used instructions from http://www.calcars.org/prius-evbutton-install.pdf http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2006/...h_mode_mod.html http://www.vfaq.net/mods/EV-button-Y.html It helps to get more than one perspective. Thanks to everyone who has pioneered the EV Mode enabling, especially Norm for his CAN-view (and I hope he is enjoying his vacation). stephen