I have an 02 that I was working on 4 years ago trying to get running. I was the midst of installing the Hybrid Automotive Grid charger to get the HV balanced and charged when things happened and I had to leave the project sitting. The HV battery had been disconnected from the car, though not removed. My question is if I install a 12volt with a good charge, will I be able to boot up the computers so I can run a Techstream healthcheck and get info on the other systems (ie stored DTCs, etc)? Or has it been too long and the data is gone from the ECUs? Thanks Ed K
Do you still have the Hybrid Automotive Charger? Do you have a multimeter? Can you check the individual voltages on each module to see where you stand? You could also plug the charger back in and see what the voltage is and do a topend charge prior to hooking up the 12 volt. I’d say give it a shot.
Most likely the 12V is completely dead by now, so, no, you will have lost any historical data. Follow Ray’s advice. When you do connect a good and fully charged 12 V, you will still be able to pull any current DTCs. Like Ray said, check the HV battery first and do a top end charge, if you still have the HA charger, before connecting the 12 V to the system.
The 12v part is easy, I jumpstarted my 02 a few days ago with a motorcycle battery. Any car battery will do for a jump battery. I would complete the installation of the Prolong wiring and hook it up to either the discharger or the charger to see what the condition of the HV battery is. You probably have the old style discharger that uses a voltmeter & two light bulbs, be sure the battery in the meter is fresh and both light bulbs have to be the same wattage. I would definitely run the HV battery thru at least 3 discharge/charge cycles as the online instructions suggest. Maybe more, you have nothing to lose if the battery has died. It's possible that the HV battery has survived. My 02 had sat for at least 18 months before I bought the car. Surprisingly, with a jumper battery it started right up & the HV charge was pretty good. (You can imagine my excitement, I had bought the car for $400.) I was surprised, the gas wasn't even too varnishy. I'm interested, keep us apprised.
Is the 12v completely dead? If it isn't, the info is still there. Try charging the 12v before you d/c it. And use a jumper battery to maintain your computer info if you decide to replace the 12v battery. Turn the key on but don't try to start, if the radio has kept its settings, more than likely your computers have too.
THanks for the responses! here are some answers to your questions: Yes I still have the old Hybrid charger and the wiring harness that didn't get installed. I never bought the 2 bulb discharger but will spring for the new all-electric one with a brain! I pulled the 12volt along time ago when I unplugged the HV battery. It went to another Prius. I'm probably going to have to pony up for a new D51R but I'm not sure it will be another Optima Yellowtop. What I want to get out of the car are the DTCs (if any) from all the other ECUs for the other systems. I need to assess if this car is a candidate for resurrection or it becomes a donor. So once I get a good 12 volt (I also have an old Sears 12/6 volt charger that I've used a couple of times recently to jump start the new 02 I bought- I'd attach it to the 12volt and between the two them it ought to provide enough juice to go to run the techstream). I'll follow Ray's suggestion and see if the HV battery will come back from the dead. It will be awhile before I get to it as I've got a running and driveable 2002 I'm going to install the Hybrid charger/discharger set-up on to take care of the pretty good HV battery, AN ounce of prevention is worth a pound of new cells.
You don't say anything about the miles and condition of the car. If you pulled the 12v, ALL of the DTC's are erased and the readiness monitors have been turned off. It's going to take getting it running and doing drive cycles to get the readiness monitors back online so the DTC's can set. I would jump a charged 12v on it and see what the conditions show on the dash--you can get an idea of whether the HV is discharged. I'd probably dump a bottle of 101 octane booster in to the gas tank--it may help the old gas (if it doesn't smell like varnish.) And try to start it. Miracles do happen! When you order your smart discharger, you might also order another wiring harness to put on your project car. They are $149, ouch! But you need it to see if your HV is any good. You could also temp install your current one, but don't try to charge without the cooling fan connected. A temp install would allow you to at least read the voltage.
Brian, in answer to your questions: I pulled these codes off the car after it ran (drove it part way home from the auction) and then threw codes and then wouldn't start. Mileage is at 173538. The big battery lost charge to the point (20%?) where it was prevented from trying to start the ICE.That's when I started to wire up the hybrid charger and then set the project aside before it was done. The car is sitting out in my storage yard probably a good 150 feet from the nearest electrical plug. Like Tucson, here in Albuquerque we've been in the midst of a heat event- last week 100+ temps, this week so far mid 90s. Hybrid Automotive strongly suggests not charging/discharging when the temp is 100, so I'm going to wait a couple of weeks or so before I work on the this car outside... meanwhile I've received all the parts to do HV battery reconditioning on all the 'running' Prius in my extended family - 2 Gen 1s, 2 Gen 2s and 1 Gen 3. I can work on these in my garage which is at least out of the sun. CODES P 0300 RANDOM/MULTIPLE CYLINDER MISFIRE DETECTED P 0301 CYLINDER 1 MISFIRE DETECTED P 0302 CYLINDER 2 MISFIRE DETECTED P 0303 CYLINDER 3 MISFIRE DETECTED P 0304 Cylinder 4 misfire detected P 3190 POOR ENGINE POWER P 3130 INVERTER COOLING SYSTEM MALFUNCTION C 1215 LOW POSITIVE VOLTAGE OF LINEAR SOLENOID C 1241 IG POWER SOURCE CIRCUIT C 1259 MALFUNCTION IN HV ECU C 1521 MOTOR CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION As you can see, the car has issues! I'd identified that the inverter pump wasn't working and that was on the first list. But then it after I filled up the tank and drove it around a bit, after it had been parked, it just wouldn't start. Turned over fine, but with all the misfire codes, that was pressing priority. I replaced the spark plugs and was contemplating putting in reconditioned injectors when I couldn't crank it over any longer. I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Ed K