Hi there, Hoping Prius chat can help me out once again. Earlier tonight I turned on my car and the radio would not come on. Not light up, anything. I want to start off by checking the fuse (logical thing, right?). I can't seem to find it though. The owners manual is pretty much useless. I've looked at the covers for the fuse blocks under the dashboard and in the engine compartment. They are very cryptically labeled. The only thing that looked even mildly promising was AM1 (thinking AM radio). I pulled this one and the car wouldn't start. It looked good (didn't have a multimeter handy) so I put it back in and the car starts again. Am I overlooking some obvious place where it says "radio"? Could someone please fill me in on which fuse and which fuse block I need to check? Even better would be a diagram labeling the fuses with more than a 2 or 3 letter abbreviation! As always, thanks so much for any info! Matt
Oh, crap, I forgot to mention that it's a Gen II (2005). Sorry about that! If I've forgotten anything else please let me know.
From the owners manual: Fuse locations P 435.pdf Updated Links: http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM47509U/pdf/8-1.pdf - 3rd page (279) has fuse box locations, and http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM47509U/pdf/9.pdf - 6th and 7th page (316-317) have matching fuse diagrams.
It is amazing that I am searching a Prius dedicated site and I find thread after thread with no answer about which fuse is for the radio on Gen 2 !!!!!
I bet you did find thread after thread saying where to find the manuals and wiring diagrams though !!!!! Maybe one reason there aren't a lot of threads more specifically about the radio fuse is just not many people have issues with it blowing, so it doesn't come up. If you have a 2005, I think your owner's manual has 336 pages (not 435), and your fuse location diagram is on page 316. You might pay particular attention to the fuse numbered 20 in that drawing. -Chap
16 could also be radio, but 20 is more likely. Here is the link to download manuals from Toyota’s Owners site.
Weird thing, I have a wiring diagram for my 2004 that does not match the actual fuses in my car. (Now I need to go look and see if the Owner’s manual matches )
Did you ever figure it out? I’m having a similar problem with my 2006. All the dash lights work & even the radio works. It just doesn’t light up