Hello I just got my first Prius 3 weeks ago. It's my first car so I'm new to the Prius world and car world. The first two weeks this problem never surfaced but last week when it was on its last bar I waited to see how long that would last but before I went home I filled up. Upon turning on the car the fuel gauge didn't move at all. I wonder why but just kept driving. Two days later and still not moving. I was going on the highway but filled up again so I wouldn't run out of gas. I ended up accidentally filling up the car when it almost poured out. The fuel gauge again didn't move one bit. I tried that method to reset it but that never does anything for me. I drive a 2008 model and want this fixed right away. I would hate to have to bring it in as money is tight. Any advice? iPhone ?
Welcome to PC, Brendan. That happened to me on my '05. I parked on level ground and disconnected the battery negative wire for a minute. That took care of it. Why did it happen? I have no idea. Has not done it again. Of course I had to re-enter all my radio stations again.
A separate issue from your gauge not showing the fillup ... That last bar will never go completely away, even when the tank is empty. It should start blinking before you run out, but a number of other Gen2 owners here have experienced empty tanks with one solid bar still showing, and even a few with two solid bars showing.
The Gen 2 does not detect adding less than 3 gallons of gas. Repeated small additions can completely confuse a Gen 2. I recommend getting gas at 2 pips, and filling it up. (that should be at least 6 gallons). Three pips if your mother in law is in the car, who want her remembering when you stranded her?
I assume from your original post that you filled it. The 12V battery is under the deck behind the right, rear wheel. You lift out the deck cover and the plastic tray that covers the spare tire. Then take off the little deck cover over in the corner so you can see and reach better. Use a 10mm socket to take the bolt out that connects the negative cable to the car's body. It's make some sparks as you remove and replace it. That's normal. I'll see if I can find a video. It's super easy, but not as easy as a regular gasser.
Oops! Ignore the previous posting. I didn't realize I'd actually posted. I assume from your original post that you filled the gas tank. The 12V battery is under the deck behind the right, rear wheel. You lift out the deck cover and the plastic tray that covers the spare tire. Then take off the little deck cover over in the corner so you can see and reach better. Use a 10mm socket to take the bolt out that connects the negative cable to the car's body. It's make some sparks as you remove and replace it. Here are a couple pix from the manual to help you get your bearings.
**Update** I filled up the car yesterday and fuel gauge just clicked back to normal and is now working again. Now I need new brakes ugh... iPhone ?
Cool about the gauge. Sorry about the brakes. I guess even a Prius needs them eventually. I'm curious. How many miles on yours?
I am adding to this thread. I am glad that the original concern for Brendan was resolved. I hope mine will be too. This occurred today. I have gen2 with 215k+ miles. Love this car. I had 2 “bubbles” and added 4+ gallons of gas. The gauge didn’t move and an error came up. I missed it and then hit display and lost error code I rode for 2miles, noticed that the reboot for gas usage also didn’t change. Manually updated, but it only changed to miles used (1 miles driven showing), didn’t fully reset miles driven (retained old history of MPG). I went back to add more gas and check cap, still NG. Jerry, I will try the negative battery update if this doesn’t reset at next fill up. I don’t want to lose stations (lol) and hope it works. I looked through manual, but did not find anything Thanks again. This chat has always been helpful. I wish everyone great miles and years of joy with your priuses. Regards. Tai