If anyone has Techstream, can you please tell me what your Occupant Detection Parameters are? My Passenger Airbag ON / OFF is not working, and the values I’m seeing in TechStream seem quite off... I’m showing around -166 pounds for both sensors. I have no idea how to reprogram these, but I need to confirm that what my parameters are set at are incorrect first. I looked all over the darn internet and could not find what the values are supposed to be, so anyone that has TechStream and can post their’s, I’d appreciate it so much. iPhone ?
Looks like you'll probably want to look up the recalibration procedure in the repair manual on techinfo.toyota.com and go through it. For some cars, you need a certain set of weights to place just so on the seat; I don't remember if that's part of the Prius procedure. Has that seat ever been removed and reinstalled? Before you get too deep in, is there anything wedged up underneath it, or leaning on it from the back seat area? -Chap
Thank you so much!!! Yes, it’s actually a Toyota FRS seat. Another member installed the same seats without issue. The shop that did the install messed something up. My driver seat slides freely, but the passenger does not. I think the rails need to be drilled out a bit more. That’ll be my next move now that I know the values are definitely off. I’m thinking the seat is “pinched” in the rails, and that’s making the sensors read the weight incorrectly. iPhone ?
Looking back through my messages with the other guy on here that installed FRS seats, I’m recalling that my last working hunch was that the sensors were in the wrong place... I’m taking the seat out tonight and solving this. It was over 6 months ago that I had them installed. Gotta love paying someone to do something you then have to fix... In looking at your data, I notice that it looks that you have readings from 4 sensors. I only had readings from 2. Hmm... The plot thickens. I’m out now and not back until late tonight, but I can’t wait to get the passenger seat out and see what those fools did. iPhone ?
Yes, there's a strain gauge at each of four locations where the seat bottom attaches to the carriage. Any installation issue that keeps those parts under stress will make the OCS difficult (or impossible?) to calibrate.... -Chap
So, we took the seat out and redrilled the rails to not place tension on the sensors. (The IDIOTS who installed them had the rails and bolts flexed so badly that the one bolt is still in. We cut the head off. They had stripped the Torx shape completely off.) The seat now slides freely when installed. I tried to recalibrate, and it still failed! Both sensors are reading the same astronomically-off values... Any ideas? iPhone ?
You're still saying "both" and not "all four". Are two of them missing? Did the whole kit and kaboodle get transplanted from some other car? I guess it could be a c thing ... I've got four, but that's in the liftback. -Chap
Hey, Chap... What year is your car? I’m wondering whether different years have 4 sensors versus two. I believe that 2 is correct, one on each side at the rear of the rail, but your printout has 4 readings, and you reference 4 locations. iPhone ?
Well, I'm just visiting the c forum to answer your post; you've got a c and I've got a liftback. -Chap