I'm in North Virginia and a mechanic told me that all vehicles registered in Virginia need the Vehicle Emissions Inspection and that Priuses are not exempt. Is this true? Or does it only apply to Prius of certain years/models? I'm having trouble finding the facts online. From the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality website I found this: Does my hybrid vehicle need an emissions inspection? Some hybrid vehicles are exempt from the biennial emissions inspection requirement. According to the Code of Virginia (§46.2-1178.B.1.), a “qualified hybrid motor vehicle” is exempted from the vehicle emissions inspection requirement if it obtains a rating from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of at least 50 miles per gallon during city fuel economy tests unless observations from the On-Road Emissions programindicates that the hybrid vehicle may not meet current emissions standards. A “qualified hybrid motor vehicle” is a motor vehicle that meets applicable regulatory requirements, meets or exceeds federal motor vehicle standards for gasoline powered passenger cars, and can draw propulsion energy both from gasoline or diesel fuel and a rechargeable energy storage system. You can view the city and highway fuel mileage ratings for most vehicles sold in the United States by visiting fueleconomy gov website, where you will find annual fuel mileage reports from the USEPA. Note: All hybrid vehicles are subject to Air Check Virginia’s On-Road Emissions Program. Their link led to this information: § 46.2-1178. Administration and scope of emissions inspection program. B1. The emissions inspection program provided for in this article shall not apply to any qualified hybrid motor vehicle if such vehicle obtains a rating from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of at least (i) 50 miles per gallon during city fuel economy tests or (ii) 48 miles per gallon during city fuel economy tests for hybrid vehicles with a model year of 2008 or 2009, unless remote sensing devices indicate the hybrid vehicle may not meet current emissions standards. The Board shall adopt such regulations as may be required to implement this exemption. Based on the information online, it seems like the answer is Prius owners don't need the emissions test, but it isn't really clear to me.
I live in NoVA. It does need the emissions inspection but not as frequently as regular gas cars. I think gas cars need it every year and Prius is every 2-3 years or something. I've had my Prius for 4.5 years and I think I've only done it once. I think the government will send you a letter before you are required to do it again. Not 100% sure though.
Yeah, my thought too, though I'm not there obviously. Your vehicle's registered, they know where you are: if you're required to do something, they're required to let you know about it.
Thanks for the responses. What if you're a new resident of the state? Do you need to get the emissions inspection before you can register your Prius?
Which is certainly true in my state, where emissions testing applies only to certain areas, and some vehicles are fully or partially exempt. The renewal reminder postcard always notes any testing requirement for that specific car and year. And both the on-line renewal tool, and in-person agents, won't let the transaction proceed if said test is needed but not yet performed/passed.
In AZ the "wand up the tailpipe" is a thing of the past. Now they simply plug into your OBD port and check the emissions systems via computer. They do remove and check the gas cap seal, but I've learned a trick: be sure to put some silicon-based lube (i.e. plumbers grease) on the seal beforehand and it should pass.
A phone call to your state emissions testing people will give you all the info you need. Go to the source and bypass misinformation.
At least here in Northern Virginia, motorists are required to get safety inspection (which includes emissions) and place a sticker on the windshield. If you don't the "letter" you get from the government, is placed under your windshield wiper and it cost $81 with court fees.
Our 2006 Prius has always been exempt from Va. emissions testing, which saves a few $$ each year and saves some time. For a few years way back, some 2007-2009 Prii had to be tested because Toyota had lowered the quoted EPA City MPG from 60 to 48 or something like that. But then they changed the law to accomodate that, so as far as I know we have no emissions requirement. Annual mechanical inspection is still needed.
This is how the California code read back in 2005 excepting all Prius from inspection. Then they modified the code in California when they realize that people could be driving Prius is with the check engine light on indicating in mission failure and not passing. So they initiated the inspections on Prius to be sure that there were no check engine emission lights on however if there are no lights on then any Prius passes. The thing to know is that if you have a Prius getting 50mpg it exceeds the imagined clean air standards for a passenger vehicle in every state. You may have to make a small donation to the smog inspection shop occasionally though with gas over $3.00 per gallon you are $$$ ahead after a couple tankfuls. iPhone ?
How so? The Code of Virginia (§46.2-1178.B.1.) indicate that a “qualified hybrid motor vehicle” is exempted from the vehicle emissions inspection requirement if it obtains a rating from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of at least 50 miles per gallon during city fuel economy tests. The EPA revised the MPG rating for the 2006 Prius from 60 MPG to 48 MPG: Compare Original and New Fuel Economy Estimates Maybe you have been getting lucky!
That is the old legal code there, I believe. Since the original 2006 MY stickers had 60 MPG City until 2007 MY it was lowered to 48. So for a few years in Va. 2006 MY was exempt but 2007+ was not exempt. But then they changed the wording so I am thinking all Prii liftback are now exempt