Yoo-hoo! Greetings from West Virginia!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by hujusmodi, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. hujusmodi

    hujusmodi New Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    Greetings from the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia. I'm a first-time Toyota owner, let alone hybrid owner. Stopped by a local Toyota dealership this past Saturday afternoon to simply ask about the Prius, and took one home.

    I loved my Santa Fe, and I can't speak highly enough of those little trucks (it was my second). But as you well know, a 38-mile one-way commute wasn't making my pocketbook happy since I had to gas up twice a week at $45 a pop.

    I cried a little when the dealer employee drove away the trusty SF (I can be a sentimental sot at times), but even though I've only driven the Prius for three days, I love it more and more with each spin. I think I made a wise decision!

    I can see there is a wealth of information here, and I can't wait to start exploring.

    Best regards to all,
  2. Rangerdavid

    Rangerdavid Senior Member

    Jun 13, 2006
    Boone, North Carolina
    2016 Prius
    Three Touring
    :D Welcome!! and Hi hujusmodi, Congratulations!! Glad to have another mountaineer among us!! My wife's family is from Parkersberg, but we live in Boone, NC. Tell us about your Prius..... what package, color, etc.... and if you can, report in on the mileage from the first tank of gas.

    There are a number of very valuable posts and technical discussions amoung the Prius owners here that can be very helpful should you have a question later.

    Meanwhile, ENJOY YOUR PRIUS!! I hope you find it (as I still do each day I drive it) to be an amazing car!!
  3. hujusmodi

    hujusmodi New Member

    Aug 2, 2006
    Thank you David!

    It's a package #7, blue. I really wanted either the beige or green one, but since in this area beggars can't be choosers, I took the blue one over the white (only two on the lot, both package #7). But I like the blue just fine. While my hubby David wanted one with leather seats, I'm kinda ambivalent about that (my two Santa Fe's had leather). Besides, I'm going to get seatcovers from www.coverking.com in their "leatherette" material. We got a set of those for David's Ford F-250 diesel pickup, and they're so well-made that you'd think the seats came that way. (They're custom-made for the vehicle, and while not cheap, far less expensive than getting the seats reupholstered in leather.)

    I called the dealership to ask about the XMRadio add-on. The parts guy had NO idea! He ended up having to call Toyota, after I convinced him the package #7 was ready for that. Oy, $626 installed. But I'll do it. And I need a Bluetooth phone too. And it's so righteous that I can play my iPod through the AUX jack and not use the Monster cable! Oh, happy days.

    So far I'm averaging 45 MPG. I'll let you know after a week. But I know it's a helluva lot better than the Santa Fe (which got 21 MPG in a good week).

  4. Rancid13

    Rancid13 Cool Chick with a Black Prius

    Aug 16, 2005
    Los Alamitos, Orange County, CA
    2006 Prius
    Welcome, and congratulations! :D I hope you're enjoying your Prius a lot more than the Santa Fe. You'll definitely feel good about your decision every time you fuel up to the tune of 9-9.5 gallons a fill and you've logged 400+ miles on a single tank. That's something you can't do with a Santa Fe. :D

    I'm sure you're having fun with all the gadgets, I have a package 8 so the only thing I have that yours doesn't is the leather seating. I have a blast with the Navigation, bluetooth and reverse camera. All the steering wheel buttons are awesome and make it easier to change radio stations, volume or temperature without taking my eyes off the road or my hands off the steering wheel!

    I got my XM radio integrated into the car before it was available at Toyota dealers and love that too!! It was $250 for the kit from www.metrotpn.com and another $200 to an audio/alarm guy to get it installed.
  5. JoannSolberg

    JoannSolberg New Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Congrats! You're only going to love it more the longer you have it. Mine's a little over a month old and I'm still learning all the cool things it can do! BTW, mine is a blue #7 too! :D
  6. withersea

    withersea DNF is better than DNS

    Jun 5, 2006
    2010 Prius
    Welcome aboard from your Appalachian American neighbor to the south in Kingsport, TN ! You will love the car. I have had mine for 1 month now and and I am having a blast driving and learning about the car. My first tank was around 47 MPG. I am about halfway through my 3rd tank and I'm getting 52 MPG now. As Rancid said, the gadgets are great. The Priuschat community ain't bad either. Enjoy!
  7. Juanuchis

    Juanuchis Fanny Foamer

    Mar 10, 2010
    Hills of West Virginia
    2006 Prius
    Re: Yoo-hoo! Greetings from West Virginia!

    Criminy! I thought I had an earlier moniker, and there I am! Well hell, I still have the "Bluebird", and still love it ... even though I'm occasionally the brunt of jokes. (But no jokes so far with the latest Sikes kerfuffle ... I make a joke first when I see one coming so people leave me alone.)

    Bluebird has a nice scratch down the passenger side, which I did by getting it too close to the mailbox. :mad: Hope it can be buffed out. Poor thing needs a deep detailing, especially after being ignominiously towed from a snow ditch on Feb. 10th. I wouldn't have ditched it IF it had not been for TWO vehicles that otherwise wouldn't have been there, but for bad karma. Our road stops at a T, on an uphill grade. I can see if there are vehicles coming along the T, so if there is no one, I pause at the stop sign. With the snow/ice, I was getting a good run at the intersection, and damn, there they were. There went my traction control. There I went, ever so gently, backwards down the hill into the ditch. Dark. 6:30 a.m. Zero degrees and snowing. Call the hub: "I'm stuck!" :::grumbling::: "I'll be right there." I was less than a quarter mile away. Took him 10 minutes to get to me. Why? Guess he had to poop.

    TMI! Good to be back though.